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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Sep 8, 2024

Max Rivera

Oct 14, 2022
Hello, Alex, James and/or Spike and any other admin who is reading this appeal.

A few days ago, as a joke I gave Bobs Builder, blacklisted, application denied and red flag roles. I honestly had no clue that what I was doing was against the rules I knew about giving roles to yourself to access things you aren't supposed to in the FIB discord as someone had told me about that, but I didn't know that giving people roles in the way I did wasn't allowed and I apologize for this and if given a second chance, I wouldn't ever do it again.
I woke up this morning, logged onto my PC and noticed that I wasn't in the FIB discord and then was told by Bob that I had been banned from the FIB discord. Right after being told, I dmed my leader, Jay Jodd and he confirmed that I had been banned from the FIB discord for the reason of Abusing Roles-Perms by Spike Pluxury. I dmed Spike and explained to him the situation and why I gave roles in the FIB discord, I logged into the server to check if I was still in the org, which I was and was standing in my garage for about 5 minutes, until I received a 7 day ban from Spike Pluxury for Abusing Roles-Perms (FIB) which shocked me. A few minutes after I was banned, Spike responded to my dm on Discord telling me "We already told multiple times stop abusing power in org discord, stop messing with roles/channel if you decided to ignore, thats your fault only". I didn't mean to break any rules and I didn't know that I would get in trouble for giving a friend blacklist roles as a joke, if I had, I wouldn't of done it. I joined back to FIB to help Jay Jodd complete the rest of his term as leader of FIB, which his term ends in a few days. I didn't join the org for rank, power or any personal gain, I joined to help someone that I respected, accomplish their goals. This is the first time I have ever been banned for anything in the year and a half ish that I have been playing on this server. I have minor punishment history, maybe 3 or 4 warnings so I've made mistakes before, yes but this time, I don't know how to feel about my punishment. I wish no harm to Spike or any other admin for that matter, I've tried my best to follow the rules to the best of my ability, making mistakes and I was punished for those and learned my lesson from it. If I am given a second chance, I won't ever do this again and I will do everything that I can to make up for my actions. Thank you for reading and I hope you can forgive me, I hope you have a great day! ❤️

Spike Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Oct 5, 2022
You misused your permissions granted to you on our official discord servers. You will not Return to FIB Server. we cannot trust you at all with permissions on our Discord servers and a ban was obvious however you only got 7 days ban this time.

Humphrey Baldwin

Jun 13, 2023
You misused your permissions granted to you on our official discord servers. You will not Return to FIB Server. we cannot trust you at all with permissions on our Discord servers and a ban was obvious however you only got 7 days ban this time.
I agree great decision from Mr Spike Pluxury 👍🇬🇧. If it were up to me he would be permanently banished from the city!

Max Rivera

Oct 14, 2022
Hello, Spike. I never meant to misuse any permissions. I gave roles to someone who was a friend as a joke which didn't give them any extra access to anything. I could entirely understand if I gave someone permissions which granted them access to things they weren't supposed to access or something but that isn't what I did. The roles I gave are usually given to any person who isn't in FIB, as they are blacklist, red flag, etc roles. I had no knowledge of this being a rule and I do apologize for it. I can understand not trusting me, but I'm not asking you to. I don't mean any harm to you as you answered questions I had about bios when I was SAHP deputy and I really appreciate that, but the reason I appealed it is because I disagree with the decision. I hope you can understand why I feel this way, but if not that's okay.

Spike Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Oct 5, 2022
You cannot abuse your permissions in Discord If you have role or Channel permissions, you cannot randomly change the channels, change Channel permissions, delete channels or otherwise manipulate them. You cannot give yourself or others roles that they are not officially assigned to.

We announced this as FIB Curators multiple times, However
Last decision will be from Alex/James.

Humphrey Baldwin

Jun 13, 2023
You cannot abuse your permissions in Discord If you have role or Channel permissions, you cannot randomly change the channels, change Channel permissions, delete channels or otherwise manipulate them. You cannot give yourself or others roles that they are not officially assigned to.

We announced this as FIB Curators multiple times, However
Last decision will be from Alex/James.
Another great decision!! Leave it up to the big dogs, they will have the final say. 👍🇬🇧

Jonny Odds

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Dec 7, 2022
This was a decision made by FIB Curators.
When we give you Role and/or Channel permissions on our official Discord Servers, we have to trust you. You have to use them wisely.

Instead you misused the trust we gave you. How would we ever possibly consider trusting you? Whats nexttime? You try to nuke the whole server? We wont let it go that far.
Many announcements have been made about this. You should not return to FIB, possibly even state (this will be considered with senior state curator).

Humphrey Baldwin

Jun 13, 2023
This was a decision made by FIB Curators.
When we give you Role and/or Channel permissions on our official Discord Servers, we have to trust you. You have to use them wisely.

Instead you misused the trust we gave you. How would we ever possibly consider trusting you? Whats nexttime? You try to nuke the whole server? We wont let it go that far.
Many announcements have been made about this. You should not return to FIB, possibly even state (this will be considered with senior state curator).
“Possibly even state”. Wow! This is a fantastic idea Jonny! This misuse of power definitely deserves further punishment, blacklisting 204253 from all state organizations is a great place to start. Great thinking Jonny! 👍🇬🇧
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