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Approved Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol | Sergio Saint | 335661

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Sergio Saint

Jan 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sergio Pettis
2. Your age: 28
2b. IC Age: 31

3. Time zone: (Colorado, USA Mountain)
4. Average online per day: 4-6
5. Your Discord: Serggggg
6. Your Nickname: Sergio Saint
7. Your ID:

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1) The first reason Id like to become leader of SAHP is due to very prestigious organization. This organization ensures the safety of Paleto Bay and along with all of the highway area in that side of the map! I would love to be able to bring a great team to create a safe and fun atmosphere for the people of San Andreas when traveling the highways and passing through this part of the state. This part of the state has a lot of work opportunities for for new comers and people trying to find their way within the city , so if they feel safe to travel the highways then the influx of revenue for the state will only grow. I would love to join this org to ensure safety to everyone in the state but even more so the people traveling the highways and through Paleto bay.

2.2) Over the past 8 terms I have been in LEO organization. All 8 terms have been primarily LSPD as I ended up becoming a leader for 2 successful terms along with my deputy then taking over and I becoming his deputy for one successful term. I was in SAHP for a short stint but it was long enough to understand the ropes of SAHP and understand how their system works. Lastly, I was in FIB after my deputies term ended which gave me an even greater grasp on how the Leos coordinated with one another as well. My experience as a high command helped me transition into a great leader that allowed me to create a great family dynamic in my organization. Through all the terms of being an LEO it has allowed me to see the good from the bad and learn from the mistakes that can happen at any time. This creates a strong drive to be great and also create an initiative to have a strong team leading beside me!

2.3) My last reason I would love to become the leader of SAHP is to carry on with some of the great ideals past leaders before me have entailed into SAHP. I want SAHP to be looked at as strong organization that can assist with any situation along with showing great numbers, professionalism, and are a detailed oriented group. With these three things I believe this org would be very strong and have a great reputation within the city.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.
There are a lot of scenarios that can improve the role play situation within SAHP, but I also feel as if these same ideals can also improve the Rp within the city as a whole as well.

- The first way I would improve Rp within SAHP is focusing on the newcomers within the organization, this is something that my HRT team did very well in my term in LSPD. The way I would do this is by creating events within Human Resources that focus on rules and acting professional. This would be implementing a voting system that allows High command to vote for officers that demonstrate these skills on a weekly basis and be bonused for their hard work. This system would consist of three people each week ranking from 1-3. 1st place would get employee of the week along with the highest bonus and the next two officers would follow suit. The thing I would change about this as well, is that my deputies and I would also recognize the most active high command that week as well to create a friendly competition for my high commands to be active at all times of the day as well. Their accomplishments would pay them a good bonus for that week as well.

- The next way we would create more Rp within SAHP is by interacting with other organizations. The way we would interact with other orgs is with respect and professionalism. This was big in my term for LSPD, we had a lot of great relationships. The way this worked very well in my term is because my swat team was very strong. The way they became strong is because they trained with FIB, SAHP, NG, and EMS in order to create strong tactics and points of attack at every event that we were able to be apart of. Strong org relations will also create great commadore within the orgs which will also allow for collaborative events such as PR events, and things that will help create RP within the city.

- One of the most important ways to improve Rp within the SAHP will be the Highway Patrol Unit. I have personally experienced firsthand that this department in LSPD is so important to everyone within the organization. Since Williams term in LSPD I have taken the towing and patrolling very serios as this creates the most RP within the organization. It allows for the units to be very comfortable confronting people when they are not abiding by traffic code. The way this happens is because the towing department can interact with citizens who wrongly park and either tow, fine or give a warning to people if they do not have multiple offenses for the same citation. This department will also focus on all of the people who speed on the highway along with scouting and stopping highway robberies when they may happen. If we are able to intervene it allow for safer roads for the citizens to travel. The last thing this department will focus on is Insurance. Insurance is a key component from keeping cars from being stolen, this will cause less hefty fines for people getting their cars getting out of the impound and also cause less grief for people having to worry if their car will be stolen. I believe that if we create a good atmosphere when people are there to get insurance they will have good RP with all officers there instead of ever feeling they are being an annoyance. My other goal would be to do checkpoint by the NG Tunnel and the normal checkpoint location that way it brings less vulnerability to the organization along with allows to catch criminals off guard when trying to avoid law enforcement. Lastly, I would like to travel to the city to host insurance drives to citizens either at Capital or some site that allows citizens to come freely with their vehicles if instead of having to always drive to SAHP. This would show we care and are willing to make the extra effort in getting cars insured for citizens, along with helping LSPD and FIB having to track down stolen vehicles and putting them selves at harms way!


1. Internal Affairs-
Internal Affairs is always a priority in every organization . IAs job is will job is to ensure officers are held accountable for miscues when they are on duty no matter how small they may seem the mistake is. This will allow for accountability of all actions and create strong officers who are willing to work on their mistakes so they can be great officers. When officers are corrected it allows for them to grow and mature within the org along with growing within the city. As leaders we all want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and gets a chance to grow under our leadership. This department will consist of veterans along with highly trained District Attorneys to also help our department to carry our punishments of officers in question. IA will ensure that everyone has active licenses to be on duty along. This will carried out in two checks a week minimum. Activity checks will be carried out regularly to ensure all units are active within the term.

2. Humas Resources and Training-
Human resource is a very vital component for SAHP. I will need a strong team that is willing to openly recruit so that max numbers can be reached and allow for good numbers at all times of the day and night. Another reason HRT is so key to helping have a strong term is because they are the trainers of the org. Without proper training comes lawsuits and can get the org in trouble. My goal for the term is to have strong numbers which is provided by HRT doing open recruitments at various times of the day and week, while also training these people being hired to make great officers. The way to have a strong team is by having strong troops while also having a strong high command team.

3. Special Weapons and Tactics-
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) is very key to having success in in events. We want to be a strong point when attending events and this will come with key training a strong High command. This team will be a combination of ex LSPD cos and FIB Spec Opps as well which will give good training for the swat members trying to prove their skills. This term will be highly trained with NG, FIB, EMS, and LSPD to ensure that we are all in Kadence when fighting the criminals. When all orgs are on the same page criminals will have a hard time winning events which will allow LEOs to stay on top within the city. I also would like my swat to be apart of highway patrolling to allow for protection and guidance in shootouts with criminals.

4. Public Relations (PR) is a department that needs to be active each day. PR is a key component with engaging the public within SAHP to make them see SAHP as a whole and not just another LEO org. This allows them to see we aren't here just to arrest people but also allowing to have events for the public and officers to have fun. PRs focus will be to host 25 events in 30 days to create a fun environment for the public, while also allowing for new citizens to witness how fun and great SAHP can be. I would like my team to take 3 or more officers to each event to deal with people who may be wanted. This will allow for two people to host the event at all times if need be that one is leaving to handle a 10-15. Pr has a great opportunity to recruit by giving the org a good face and show the public how great of an org we are.

5. Highway Patrol-
Highway Patrol will be a focal point in SAHP. The goal for this department is to tow within the city, patrol the highways for people wreck less driving, and lastly to make sure everyone has insurance in the state of Los santos. This department is great for RP and creating opportunity for new officers to learn all the traffic code within the city. Highway patrol is key as it also creates a safe environment for all citizens and officers on the highway who may be attending traffic stops.

6. IB (Undercover Division) -
This is a very fun exclusive club within the org that hasn't been SAHP for a while. I would like to bring this department back. This would allow for intel to be given by all major orgs to develop case files to execute gang raids and limit major gang activity. IB for us can be vital as there are so many highway robberies so once we stop them we could also get intel and confiscate items that should not be going into the city. I believe this department will lead to high success rates within events. This division will patrol within Blaine county and also assist LSPD in joint operations to take down evidence from these crime orgs within the state of Los Santos.

Rank System within SAHP

30: Sheriff
29: Undersheriff
28: Assistant Undersheriff
27: Chief of Staff
26: Head of Department
25: DHOD
24: US Marshall
**--- HIGH COMMAND ---**
23: Captain
22: Lieutenant ( Department HC)
21: Major
20: Field Supervisor
19: Supervisor
18: Master Sergeant
17: Senior Sergeant
16: Sergeant
15: Senior Corporal
14: Corporal
13: Lance Corporal
12: Master Trooper III
11: Master Trooper II
10: Master Trooper I
9: Senior Trooper III
8: Senior Trooper II
7: Senior Trooper I
6: Trooper III
5: Trooper II
4: Trooper I
3: Probie
2: Trainee
1: Janitor

In closing,
Even if I do not get the opportunity to be the next leader of SAHP I would like to thank everyone in advance for taking the time to read my app. No matter what happens I will keep trying and would love to be a leader of SAHP or at any point within the city along with support any leader that may be chosen within the city.

Much Love ❤️
Sergio Saint IC
Sergio Pettis OOC

Rocky Stormrider

May 5, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sergio Pettis
2. Your age: 28
2b. IC Age: 31

3. Time zone: (Colorado, USA Mountain)
4. Average online per day: 4-6
5. Your Discord: Serggggg
6. Your Nickname: Sergio Saint
7. Your ID:

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1) The first reason Id like to become leader of SAHP is due to very prestigious organization. This organization ensures the safety of Paleto Bay and along with all of the highway area in that side of the map! I would love to be able to bring a great team to create a safe and fun atmosphere for the people of San Andreas when traveling the highways and passing through this part of the state. This part of the state has a lot of work opportunities for for new comers and people trying to find their way within the city , so if they feel safe to travel the highways then the influx of revenue for the state will only grow. I would love to join this org to ensure safety to everyone in the state but even more so the people traveling the highways and through Paleto bay.

2.2) Over the past 8 terms I have been in LEO organization. All 8 terms have been primarily LSPD as I ended up becoming a leader for 2 successful terms along with my deputy then taking over and I becoming his deputy for one successful term. I was in SAHP for a short stint but it was long enough to understand the ropes of SAHP and understand how their system works. Lastly, I was in FIB after my deputies term ended which gave me an even greater grasp on how the Leos coordinated with one another as well. My experience as a high command helped me transition into a great leader that allowed me to create a great family dynamic in my organization. Through all the terms of being an LEO it has allowed me to see the good from the bad and learn from the mistakes that can happen at any time. This creates a strong drive to be great and also create an initiative to have a strong team leading beside me!

2.3) My last reason I would love to become the leader of SAHP is to carry on with some of the great ideals past leaders before me have entailed into SAHP. I want SAHP to be looked at as strong organization that can assist with any situation along with showing great numbers, professionalism, and are a detailed oriented group. With these three things I believe this org would be very strong and have a great reputation within the city.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.
There are a lot of scenarios that can improve the role play situation within SAHP, but I also feel as if these same ideals can also improve the Rp within the city as a whole as well.

- The first way I would improve Rp within SAHP is focusing on the newcomers within the organization, this is something that my HRT team did very well in my term in LSPD. The way I would do this is by creating events within Human Resources that focus on rules and acting professional. This would be implementing a voting system that allows High command to vote for officers that demonstrate these skills on a weekly basis and be bonused for their hard work. This system would consist of three people each week ranking from 1-3. 1st place would get employee of the week along with the highest bonus and the next two officers would follow suit. The thing I would change about this as well, is that my deputies and I would also recognize the most active high command that week as well to create a friendly competition for my high commands to be active at all times of the day as well. Their accomplishments would pay them a good bonus for that week as well.

- The next way we would create more Rp within SAHP is by interacting with other organizations. The way we would interact with other orgs is with respect and professionalism. This was big in my term for LSPD, we had a lot of great relationships. The way this worked very well in my term is because my swat team was very strong. The way they became strong is because they trained with FIB, SAHP, NG, and EMS in order to create strong tactics and points of attack at every event that we were able to be apart of. Strong org relations will also create great commadore within the orgs which will also allow for collaborative events such as PR events, and things that will help create RP within the city.

- One of the most important ways to improve Rp within the SAHP will be the Highway Patrol Unit. I have personally experienced firsthand that this department in LSPD is so important to everyone within the organization. Since Williams term in LSPD I have taken the towing and patrolling very serios as this creates the most RP within the organization. It allows for the units to be very comfortable confronting people when they are not abiding by traffic code. The way this happens is because the towing department can interact with citizens who wrongly park and either tow, fine or give a warning to people if they do not have multiple offenses for the same citation. This department will also focus on all of the people who speed on the highway along with scouting and stopping highway robberies when they may happen. If we are able to intervene it allow for safer roads for the citizens to travel. The last thing this department will focus on is Insurance. Insurance is a key component from keeping cars from being stolen, this will cause less hefty fines for people getting their cars getting out of the impound and also cause less grief for people having to worry if their car will be stolen. I believe that if we create a good atmosphere when people are there to get insurance they will have good RP with all officers there instead of ever feeling they are being an annoyance. My other goal would be to do checkpoint by the NG Tunnel and the normal checkpoint location that way it brings less vulnerability to the organization along with allows to catch criminals off guard when trying to avoid law enforcement. Lastly, I would like to travel to the city to host insurance drives to citizens either at Capital or some site that allows citizens to come freely with their vehicles if instead of having to always drive to SAHP. This would show we care and are willing to make the extra effort in getting cars insured for citizens, along with helping LSPD and FIB having to track down stolen vehicles and putting them selves at harms way!


1. Internal Affairs-
Internal Affairs is always a priority in every organization . IAs job is will job is to ensure officers are held accountable for miscues when they are on duty no matter how small they may seem the mistake is. This will allow for accountability of all actions and create strong officers who are willing to work on their mistakes so they can be great officers. When officers are corrected it allows for them to grow and mature within the org along with growing within the city. As leaders we all want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and gets a chance to grow under our leadership. This department will consist of veterans along with highly trained District Attorneys to also help our department to carry our punishments of officers in question. IA will ensure that everyone has active licenses to be on duty along. This will carried out in two checks a week minimum. Activity checks will be carried out regularly to ensure all units are active within the term.

2. Humas Resources and Training-
Human resource is a very vital component for SAHP. I will need a strong team that is willing to openly recruit so that max numbers can be reached and allow for good numbers at all times of the day and night. Another reason HRT is so key to helping have a strong term is because they are the trainers of the org. Without proper training comes lawsuits and can get the org in trouble. My goal for the term is to have strong numbers which is provided by HRT doing open recruitments at various times of the day and week, while also training these people being hired to make great officers. The way to have a strong team is by having strong troops while also having a strong high command team.

3. Special Weapons and Tactics-
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) is very key to having success in in events. We want to be a strong point when attending events and this will come with key training a strong High command. This team will be a combination of ex LSPD cos and FIB Spec Opps as well which will give good training for the swat members trying to prove their skills. This term will be highly trained with NG, FIB, EMS, and LSPD to ensure that we are all in Kadence when fighting the criminals. When all orgs are on the same page criminals will have a hard time winning events which will allow LEOs to stay on top within the city. I also would like my swat to be apart of highway patrolling to allow for protection and guidance in shootouts with criminals.

4. Public Relations (PR) is a department that needs to be active each day. PR is a key component with engaging the public within SAHP to make them see SAHP as a whole and not just another LEO org. This allows them to see we aren't here just to arrest people but also allowing to have events for the public and officers to have fun. PRs focus will be to host 25 events in 30 days to create a fun environment for the public, while also allowing for new citizens to witness how fun and great SAHP can be. I would like my team to take 3 or more officers to each event to deal with people who may be wanted. This will allow for two people to host the event at all times if need be that one is leaving to handle a 10-15. Pr has a great opportunity to recruit by giving the org a good face and show the public how great of an org we are.

5. Highway Patrol-
Highway Patrol will be a focal point in SAHP. The goal for this department is to tow within the city, patrol the highways for people wreck less driving, and lastly to make sure everyone has insurance in the state of Los santos. This department is great for RP and creating opportunity for new officers to learn all the traffic code within the city. Highway patrol is key as it also creates a safe environment for all citizens and officers on the highway who may be attending traffic stops.

6. IB (Undercover Division) -
This is a very fun exclusive club within the org that hasn't been SAHP for a while. I would like to bring this department back. This would allow for intel to be given by all major orgs to develop case files to execute gang raids and limit major gang activity. IB for us can be vital as there are so many highway robberies so once we stop them we could also get intel and confiscate items that should not be going into the city. I believe this department will lead to high success rates within events. This division will patrol within Blaine county and also assist LSPD in joint operations to take down evidence from these crime orgs within the state of Los Santos.

Rank System within SAHP

30: Sheriff
29: Undersheriff
28: Assistant Undersheriff
27: Chief of Staff
26: Head of Department
25: DHOD
24: US Marshall
**--- HIGH COMMAND ---**
23: Captain
22: Lieutenant ( Department HC)
21: Major
20: Field Supervisor
19: Supervisor
18: Master Sergeant
17: Senior Sergeant
16: Sergeant
15: Senior Corporal
14: Corporal
13: Lance Corporal
12: Master Trooper III
11: Master Trooper II
10: Master Trooper I
9: Senior Trooper III
8: Senior Trooper II
7: Senior Trooper I
6: Trooper III
5: Trooper II
4: Trooper I
3: Probie
2: Trainee
1: Janitor

In closing,
Even if I do not get the opportunity to be the next leader of SAHP I would like to thank everyone in advance for taking the time to read my app. No matter what happens I will keep trying and would love to be a leader of SAHP or at any point within the city along with support any leader that may be chosen within the city.

Much Love ❤️
Sergio Saint IC
Sergio Pettis OOC
Sergio bhai the best leader 🫡🫡🫡🫶🫶
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