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Leo Malone
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Sep 20, 2024
Time of violation


No further questions, your honour.
Aug 17, 2024
Evidence located in the provided imgur links

I have been reasonable, attempted to schedule a time that works best for all parties, however at each and every turn both the AG and SCJ are attempting to force a hearing, or trial or decision on the matter without any legal counsel or right to remain silent being applied in any case. Majority of the IC documents related to this issue are incomplete or invalid, and they have repeatedly made the claims that everything was in order when it was not.

They also held a trial in absentia for the defendant without appointing even public defender to represent him. They also attempted to claim he refused Judicial orders when there was clearly a Code B situation in which the Attorney for the State was present and purposefully doctored the evidence to avoid showing said Code B, as well as giving me only 24 hours from the moment of taking on the case as the District Attorney for FIB and constantly demanding I uphold decisions made in court for clearly invalid and/or incomplete evidence.

I cannot reasonably pursue this matter ICly any further, due to the situation at hand, and request a higher power to step in based on the evidence provided.

Rule breaks as follows:

Gen rule 6.4 (attempting to enact and enforce a verdict which was clearly invalid, and a case file which had no valid signature from a Judge)

ForceRP - Refusing to making an attempt to cooperate with FIB legal counsel, demanding they conform to all their time requests, signing a verdict on an arrest warrant based on falsified and incomplete information.

FailRP - As seen in the evidences, holding a trial in Absentia without proper proof of criminal activity, and without giving the defendant his right to legal counsel.

Powergaming - Attempting to order FIB legal counsel to enact said warrant without the Defendants right to an attorney.


FailRP (before no signature):
FailRP (after signature):
Proof of editing document after submission date (1:14am TODAY): https://imgur.com/a/xwP46Wy
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Krishna Parker

Krishna Parker
Jan 23, 2023
First of All i dont know why, Many Guys are just trying to Defame me without any Valid/proper evidences. If you Can't win the Case In Court you all come to Forum and Starting Crying like a small Child is it fair?. I believe that you have really passed your Bar Examination but actually i think you haven't Passed because if you passed the Bar Exam you must have the Knowledge of the City Laws and Legislation right? You Pinged me Directly that Krishna Parker(ID:-85976) has done a Mass Rule Break.Do you even know what actual the Mass Rule Breaks Means.No you don't Know because if you Know you won't Say this. as All my Lawyers,Judges were Doing their Works.We have the actual authority to Terminate these Case because you are one who Delayed the Case....."Justice delayed is Justice denied". But Also we took your appeal for Justice to FIB but FIB just want to waste My and MY Judge's Precious Time...

Krishna Parker

Krishna Parker
Jan 23, 2023
Pinging me on what is Said" I have reviewed the Case" it doesnot mean that i have reviewed the Case File document i said i have seen the Evidences Subpeona,Warrent of Arrest and All which was much more Necessary to Look into....But you try to Deceive the Admin by saying something else.......And about the Case File i wont be discussing over here with you or with any Admins because of the Exposer and i dont want to reveal some Classified stuff infrom of all Public which can create problem to your org..So i request the admin who took this Forum please let me know if you want the updates of the document i will hand over you directly rather than leaking the Information of DOJ over Here.

Krishna Parker

Krishna Parker
Jan 23, 2023
The Supreme Court Judges (Both Mohil and Poppy) were already known to these Court Trail and on both preferred time my judges Mohil informed the DA of FIB to be in Trail with enough time limit. So basically we are not Forcing him hence No Force Rp Done .Similarly,for Fail Rp i personally with my Lawyer went to FIB hq and discussed all situation and more over on the basis of Criminal Charges,Proper Proofs we have done the Case Files and even we give Max to Max Time for the Case.So now why should we give more time to just to manipulate evidences, Change the Name to be safe and all? so basically we didnot do Fail Rp. Hence No Fail Rp was Done. Last about Power Gaming,he knows that we submitted all documents which was valid and proves the Crime against the Suspect so why he need the Lawyer even being a lawyer (FA/DA of FIB) you don't know we just can't make a casefile, we can't appeal for the Case until you have the valid evidence to beat the Charges which were proved in those Documents. the Officer got enough time to talk to their Lawyers but what you and your client did just waste the time and now you demands for extra time which is not possible. Hence no PowerGaming was Done.And about Gen rule 6.4 The was no such document which need the Judge Sign and was not signed all the necessary Document which need the Judges Sign was done. So Gen rule 6.4 is also invalid.

Mohil Yami

"An Eye For An Eye, My Friend."
Mar 10, 2024
As per your statement above, the document was edited; yes, it had to be edited to make the information unavailable to FIB on the grounds of the statute of limitations. So that covers the part of invalid and inaccessible documents, and for incomplete documents, please check with your director what things were submitted to him, as the case file was never handed over to him, only the warrant of arrest, and in that document, the case file was attached, which was complete and signed by all parties with evidence.

For the matter he is mentioning that he can't pursue it icly and Force Rp, this guy never came icly for this situation to me in spite of me continuously scheduling a meeting with their higher ups for this matter, and for Force Rp, I will attach a POV where it was discussed with his deputy director about the court hearing, so no Force Rp was done here.

For Fail Rp, trial in absentia According to this, I had a talk with his director in his HQ where we clearly made things clear and a subpoena was handed over to him, so as per no reply to the subpoena being submitted to DOJ according to law, the judge would have all the rights to issue a warrant of arrest for contempt of court, and a trial would be held under his absence.

Power gaming, I think this guy must learn first that whatever charges he is accusing us, ICLY and OOC are just his baseless assumptions without any proof. We can't consider such a person who actually doesn't know which law is used when as a lawyer, and I know who is pulling strings from behind, so no worries, we will handle this ICLY, and I can't disclose any information here about the documents. If you need those documents, please request me, and I will provide you with each and every detail with recording and proofs that are valid ICLY.

To be brief about all this, this incident took place 7 days ago, and he thinks he will manipulate all the evidence and come to us; that's not going to happen; we know how to defend it. He never roleplays; according to him, he can always talk about IC stuff in mail chat, and he thinks that's it. We will acknowledge those things if he tells us about those things in mail.

For Force RP:
Even after Department and the time mentioned by FIB director, ETA. 15 minutes, they took 40 minutes to come in Court Room, but we still waited patiently not like FIB who thinks that they can delay each and every procedure IC like the reply to Departments, meetings and for the submission of documents
Waiting time after Department:

Meeting Started after that and had a talk about the timings of hearing:

According to this proofs each and every one can understand that's all in his head no Force RP was done, for other allegations which are imposed on us we have the proofs for that too but we can't share it here as its related to the case file and IC matters which can't be disclosed to all the citizens so again requesting if you want that to let us know.

Just to mention he never wants to do any Role play:

He was not even IC present, but he came to know that we did the Department should I mention what is this called Leo Malone, I think you are that much smart to understand that, if we get to these things, there is no way out for you in IC case, for your minors violations, as we are always trying to neglect those because we know this happens with everyone. If we do that you won't be able to hear us for those Formal hearing because whichever Ground, you mentioned were invalid and were on baseless assumption just like someone else before as my hints, I think you can all know whom I am pointing to, who are those two and who is indirectly involved with them behind scenes. Again, we agreed to give you chance as the case file and other things were up their time limit, only thing which was valid and is still now active is the Warrant of Arrest rather then that each and every thing is expired. For your kind information don't point out those things you can't handle icly because you are not willing to do it icly as you know the consequences of it.
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Rock Shiva

Feb 13, 2023
Evidence located in the provided imgur links

I have been reasonable, attempted to schedule a time that works best for all parties, however at each and every turn both the AG and SCJ are attempting to force a hearing, or trial or decision on the matter without any legal counsel or right to remain silent being applied in any case. Majority of the IC documents related to this issue are incomplete or invalid, and they have repeatedly made the claims that everything was in order when it was not.

They also held a trial in absentia for the defendant without appointing even public defender to represent him. They also attempted to claim he refused Judicial orders when there was clearly a Code B situation in which the Attorney for the State was present and purposefully doctored the evidence to avoid showing said Code B, as well as giving me only 24 hours from the moment of taking on the case as the District Attorney for FIB and constantly demanding I uphold decisions made in court for clearly invalid and/or incomplete evidence.

I cannot reasonably pursue this matter ICly any further, due to the situation at hand, and request a higher power to step in based on the evidence provided.

Rule breaks as follows:

Gen rule 6.4 (attempting to enact and enforce a verdict which was clearly invalid, and a case file which had no valid signature from a Judge)

ForceRP - Refusing to making an attempt to cooperate with FIB legal counsel, demanding they conform to all their time requests, signing a verdict on an arrest warrant based on falsified and incomplete information.

FailRP - As seen in the evidences, holding a trial in Absentia without proper proof of criminal activity, and without giving the defendant his right to legal counsel.

Powergaming - Attempting to order FIB legal counsel to enact said warrant without the Defendants right to an attorney.


FailRP (before no signature):
FailRP (after signature):
Proof of editing document after submission date (1:14am TODAY): https://imgur.com/a/xwP46Wy
First of all can you plz tell me that you are talking over there is IC or OOC because First you says that (You want to play this Game or Not) that is OOC and second thing you are just talking about all the IC things ( like Case File and other Organizations things ) So i can't get you over there IC or OOC .

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Yaswanth Trigger

How Copy ? 🥶
Server Administrator
Sep 18, 2022
Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report.​
  1. Most of the Evidence provided are either Invalid or Insufficient.
  2. Validity of Evidence with respect to a Arrest Warrant, Subpeona and its admissibility as Evidence in the Court is completely IC.
  3. If there are any flaws in a case file, procedures or documentation of the case can be appealed in the court ICly.
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