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Luxi Banka
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Mujo Simba
Sep 27, 2024


Aug 4, 2024
Dear Lebron,

I got banned for constant breaking rules and now i regret what i was doing i didnt know that i can get banned no one was banned for this at my time so it started when i got my punishment now i saw that someone did an unban apeal for playing on GRAND RP RS1 and it got aproved for playing on a brand new account so for one month wil you dicide if he got stay banned or gett an unbann so i beg you to please try it and if i break just one rule i get permaband on all accounts i promis i will not break a singel rule and i will show you that i can play like all normal players so please give me a chance to show you.I played over 10.000h on that projekt and im playing for around two years now so i created a little Luxi Community that is slowly growing and i dont want to let that community break down.Everyone makes mistakes and now I want to bend it straight i accept money whipe and everything whats nedded to just go back on my main account 12664.Here is the aproved Link where i got banned i can also explain you why he reported me wee didnt saw us many times on the projekt and didnt had really a problem with him and,he was with a popular guy who is on RS1 wich is 12669 simular id like mine 12664 and they was talking on discord and then i joined and we had an conversation in that conversation we got in to an conflict wich then id 12669 sad “when coby (that guy who reported me) report you for constant breaking rules and you get perma band“ after that we left the voice and gone on my voice channel id 28427 who reported me is project blacklisted and the other guy who was with him in the voice is blacklisted aswell. Its 86 days ago when i was banned so i think i had time to think about my mistakes.

This is what he wrote and lies for me getting banned.

Poštovani Mujo i Abrahame.

ID 12664 po imenu "Luxi" konstantno krši pravila i uništava nam roleplay i igranje ove igrice sa kršenjem pravila i ne prođe jedan jedini dan da on ne dobije bar 2 do 3 demorgana ili po koji warn.

U nastavku šaljem preko 40 odobrenih žalbi koje sam pronašao samo na forumu na osnovu pretrage njegovog ID-a.

Siguran sam da ingame ima preko 100 kazni poput 6.15, bug abuse, NLR, CL i tako dalje što mislim da je dovoljno za blacklistu.

Zamolio bih vas da konačno smirite ovog igrača perma banom, jer više puta smo mu govorili da se smiri, da se ne ponaša tako kako se ponaša međutim i dalje je nastavio po svom da krši pravila na max i da se pravi pametan.

Pored toga što on krši pravila ima grupu dječice od 10+ osoba koja krše pravila zajedno sa njim tako da su hodajući warnovi, hodajući problem kao igrači međutim on je njihova "glava" vođa ako se on riješi/banuje za konstantno kršenje pravila znatno će se smanjiti kršenje pravila na ovom serveru.

Unaprijed hvala na pomoći.


Dear Mujo and Abraham.

ID 12664 named "Luxi" is constantly breaking the rules and ruining our roleplay and playing this game by breaking the rules and not a single day goes by that he doesn't get at least 2 to 3 demorgans or a warning.

Below I am sending over 40 approved complaints that I found only on the forum based on his ID search.

I'm sure that ingame has over 100 penalties like 6.15, bug abuse, NLR, CL and so on which I think is enough for a blacklist.

I would ask you to finally calm down this player with a perma ban, because we told him several times to calm down, not to behave the way he does, however, he continued to break the rules to the max and pretend to be smart.

In addition to him breaking the rules he has a group of 10+ kids who break the rules with him so they are a walking warn, a walking problem as players however he is their "head" leader if he gets fired/banned for constant rule breaking it will significantly reduce policy violations on this server.

Thanks in advance for your help.

There are a few lies where his telling wich i gone explain.

1."ID 12664 named "Luxi" is constantly breaking the rules and ruining our roleplay and playing this game by breaking the rules and not a single day goes by that he doesn't get at least 2 to 3 demorgans or a warning."

1.I broke rules, which is true, but not every day. I was mostly in error, which I also admit, but I wasn't like he mentioned 2-3 times every day and what I was mostly in disarray for was because I broke small rules i.e. revive someone with a weapon (accidentally) I drove over the mountains at over 50 and little things like that there is also GP.6.15 where you have to give 5 seconds and a reason what the problem is the people in the RS1 don't really understand how it works and Exchange everything where rules are broken, such as you are not allowed to shoot back if someone shoots at you only after you have given them 5 seconds (unless it is the police).

2."U nastavku šaljem preko 40 odobrenih žalbi koje sam pronašao samo na forumu na osnovu pretrage njegovog ID-a."

2.I looked in detail and found out that 2 of these complaints are equal to 38 and not 40.

3."I would ask you to finally calm down this player with a perma ban, because we told him several times to calm down, not to behave the way he does, however, he continued to break the rules to the max and pretend to be smart."

3.We never talked about me breaking too many rules and that I should calm down or that they even talked to me like that. When we saw each other, he tied me up and took me to prison and just provoked me.

4."In addition to him breaking the rules he has a group of kids of 10+ people who break the rules with him so they are a walking warn, a problem as players but he is their "head" leader if he gets fired/banned for constant rule breaking it will be significant to reduce rule violations on this server."

4.Yes, I have a group, that's true, but that they break rules with me isn't true. Everyone does it at their own risk and everyone does it for themselves. I don't force anyone to do something like that. Everyone has their own decision, but most of the time when we did something we went in gheto or in the NG to make RP out of it and our RP was good too. Most of the time we went to the prison and shot with the police and brought someone out, which counts as RP (RolePlay) and the rule was PZ.1.1 (1.1 Ubistva u Zelenoj zoni su zabranjena /Upozori) TRANSLATED (1.1 Killing in the Green Zone is forbidden / Warnings) and that was all in the end we were arrested and even the police said we didn't know what we would do without you and thanked us for that did all that. In the fourth sentence he also says that I'm the head of the group, i.e. leader, which isn't true at all. We went there as friends and did this RP and shot and with the state.

Here is a small list of those who were on my site.

What I should also say here is that I apologize for all my mistakes and that I'm sorry that I constantly broke rules and to everyone who was bothered by it personally, even if I'm on good terms with everyone who reported me, I apologize I just want to play normally with friends again, it's been a long time since I haven't been on my account for 86 days, so I ask you to forgive me this time and I'll take advantage of the chance. I'll also tell you a little bit about my private life ( short) I got kicked out of school and I had a hard time where I couldn't find a school and I really didn't feel good but luckily they forgave me and now I'm back at school so it should be in a bigger game Give me a chance to get a forgiveness. It took me 3 hours and 24 minutes to get to this point. I apologize for such a big unban apeal, but I really care about this project and RS1 server and I don't want to leave it because I always joined when I had a problem or a stressful day to calm down and relax, which is what most people do here.

thanks for reading,

My youtube Channel.

Here are a few clips/motage of RS1.

Started - 22:39
Ended - 01:32

Signed by Luxi
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