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Pending review Leader of Los Santos Police Department | Uttaran Sarkar

  • Information
    1. Real Name: Uttaran Sarkar
    2. Age: 20 (ic age 30)
    3. Time Zone: IST (GMT+5:30)
    4. Your ID : 327288
    5. How many hours are you online per day on average?
    6-7 HOURS
    6. Discord ID: uttaran_

    Additional Information
    1. Leader of which organization are you aspiring to be?
    2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (Share three reasons with us, and don't forget to give us the details behind each one)

    As I have worked in serveral orgs as high command my main motive to join LSPD is that we can keep the city safe from any threat incoming to highway and cities and sandyshores from gangs and families.As LSPD jurisdiction is in the city they keep it safe and FIB in any place but it gets dificult so my main motive will be to keep the city safe and assist SAHP in keeping highway safe.
    1.To stops atm robbery and harasment cases in the Highway and city
    2. Keep patrol units always ready to action to handel situation.
    3. To protect Ems during open recruitment,Gov and their special mission special cash encashment.

    3. What advice would you give for improving Roleplay level in the organization?
    I have lots of ideas some are keeping the comunication as much good as posible so in case of any backup all units can respond. We will be hiring people as per the requirement we will kep hrts to train and hire people and keep IA always on rounds from each logs that everyone should Foloow the decoram of the LSPD. I will also kepp a weekly traing program for all my officers to see their performance.
    4. What innovative ideas or strategies do you propose to introduce into the organization to enhance its efficiency, effectiveness, and overall impact?
    I wil be increasing the bonus for all department special uc so they can collect evidence more appropiately and hrts so they stay motivated and give latest equipments to the SWAT team so they stay always ready fro action of any roberry. And I will keep my units motivated by hosting event and fun shows for them.
    The departments that will be in my term will be:-
    SWAT :
    whose main objective will be to lead any situaion like heavy 10-10s atm,store,hosatge and other special mission.I will always be in touch with their COS and HOD for any problem or suggestion and provide them with latest eqipment.
    HRT: We all know that hiring and taking interview is a crucial part in any org.My main focus will be to hire eligible cadets and train them to make them a perfect tropper.We will have open recruitment twice a week and train all the people properly.
    IA: We all know that IA main work is to keep the org away from any trouble in state inspection adn keep the decoram of SAHP always on top.To check the activity of the units regularly and check the bodycam is working properly or not.
    TE: Their main job is to keep a regular towing and fining session on and check the city condition.
    UC: Their main job is to collect evidence during any event and make a case file and submit it to fib for creating a case file for raid.
    My experinece in Orgs
    Task force operative in lspd 2x
    Comander in sahp 1x
    Asistant supervisor of TE in lspd 1x
    Gov elite agent 1x
    Gov USSS comander 2x
    1ST LT in NG 1x
    2ND LT in NG 1X
    2x Captain of hr
    1x Division Supervisor(LSPD)
    2X Staff Sergent (LSPD)
    Chain Of Command
    • 30 Chief of Police
    • 29 Deputy Chief of Police
    • 28 Chief of Staff
    • 27 Head of Department
    • 26 Deputy Head of Department
    • 25 Task Force Operative
    • 24 Supervisior
    • 23 Commissioner
    • 22 Deputy Commissioner
    • 21 Superintendent
    • 20 Inspector
    • 19 Senior Sergeant
    • 18 Field Sergeant
    • 17 Sergeant
    • 16 Senior Corporal
    • 15 Lance Corporal
    • 14 Corporal
    • 13 Master Patrol Officer III
    • 12 Master Patrol Officer II
    • 11 Master Patrol Officer I
    • 10 Senior Patrol Officer III
    • 9 Senior Patrol Officer II
    • 8 Senior Patrol Officer I
    • 7 Patrol Officer III
    • 6 Patrol Officer II
    • 5 Patrol Officer I
    • 4 Rookie
    • 3 Towie
    • 2 Cadet
    • 1 Janitor

    We will keep 2 patroling units in city always active and 2 towing units always active so theire is no casuality.
    Uttaran Sarkar
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