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Liam Hollow

Jan 23, 2022
Full name: Storm Hollow
Gender: Non- binary
Age: 28
Date of birth: 1994
Nationality: black
Place of birth: South Africa
Residence: cape town flats
Father: Ma orange ( Issac Dlamini)
Mother: Madam (Palesa Mduduzi)
Height: 4ft
Body type: Slim Thick
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black
Knowledge of language: Zulu, isiSotho, English, Afrikaans
Hobbies: Shooting range(as a sport), Rugby

As a child joehonn lived in South africa in a very dangerous area where there was a lot of gang activity and terrorism. It was very hard for storm as a female to be living in that type of area due to rape, murder and abduction of children. Gang activity was a hobby for the children in the area to the point as where children became actual gangster. She started hanging around with the most dangerous people in town just to make her feel better as a female. Storm was apart of a robbery as where her and her gangster associates were caught and put in prison, luckly she had connection so she was released but went back and forth in prison from the age 11-16 till she realized that her father was getting sick at the age of 17 and could not afford to go back to prison so she changed her life by working as a banker because she was good with numbers made good money and from there her and her father emigrated to the United States of America to a city call Los Santos to find a better doctor for her father as her father had stage 4 cancer. It was hard for her alone so she managed her way to handle her stress and so she started going to shooting range and got good at it to the point where she did it as a hobby. There was a guy at the shooting range by the name of Jamie wolf where they started hanging out a lot and became good friends. Jamie one day as they were at the shooting range saw how intelligent she is so she offered storm a job as a training detective officer, she accepted and from there they started catching the biggest criminals in Los Santos, keeping the streets safe.

Outcomes :
1. Storm can cut deals with some of the people She is known to except leaking LSPD info.
2. Storm can use illegal weapons to cover his Identity (for example. heavy sniper)
3. Storm can receive bribes when necessary [20K maximum, Or Cryptocurrency (5 max)] weapons included .
4. Storm can go into the ghetto when she is off-duty (example. Black Market) .
5. Storm can buy/sell weapons in Black Market (except organization equipment) .
6. Storm can recognize people by their voices using a her memory .
7. Storm can kill people on/off-duty if they don't want to follow the demands .
8. Storm can get himself involved in some criminal activity as a detective to take evidence (if necessary).
9. Storm carries with She always a Muthi(African spiritual herd). which he can feeds it to suspects to get some information.
10. Storm can confiscate weapons from suspects for personal reason.
11. Storm having bodycam always rolling.

David Pluxury

You see, but you do not observe!
Jun 19, 2021
Bio Approved !

However, Outcome 3 : Allowed to take only $20k max as a bribe.
Outcome 6 : Careful of Meta-gaming.
Outcome 7 : Make sure to do proper RP if you are outside the ghetto.
Outcome 9 : Denied.
Outcome 11 : Still have to turn on with RP commands (/me, do, try).
Remember, You can still be punished IC-ly.

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