- Joined
- Aug 17, 2023
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- 351
Greetings dear Mujo,
I have a complaint about player ID 2150 (and his twink account which ID I don't know), who is massively violating the rules, more details below.
The player has been banned five times for violating General Rule 1.7, which is 60 days per situation.
5x60 = 300 days of ban - this is just part of what he has been punished for.
If you review his logs thoroughly (sale/purchase/exchange of houses and businesses) you will find at least 10 to 30 more violations, which means an additional 600 to 1,200 days of bans.
This is just a small part of his G.P 1.7 violations. His friend, ID 31 Daniel Zampa, has already received a blacklist because he and ID 2150 were massively breaking the rules by transferring businesses at government prices or below, violating General Rule 1.7. I believe it is now time for ID 2150 to receive a project blacklist as well, just as ID 31 did for massively violating General Rule 1.7.
If you take a closer look at ID 2150's logs for the sale/purchase/exchange of houses and businesses, you will see that he has violated G.P 1.7 at least 15 to 30 more times by exchanging ATMs for chip tuning, gun shops for chip tuning, or car sharing, and so on, for which he hasn't been punished.
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I have a complaint about player ID 2150 (and his twink account which ID I don't know), who is massively violating the rules, more details below.
Approved - G.P 1.7 | ID: 2150, 5355, 19981, 20099, Johnny Klebitz
Video sam da su neki idevi kaznjeni neki ne pa sam odlucio da ponovo postavim zalbu na ideve za koje mislim da su prekrsili G.P 1.7. Miki West | ID: 2150 - proveriti celi account kada je prebacivao biznise/kuce po drzavnoj ceni - imao je puno takvih situacija prije 15.5.2023., od početka...gta5grand.com
Approved - G.P. 1.7 /ID 2150
21.3.2023 ID 2150 mijenjao je zlataru br. 44 za benzinsku pumpu br. 6 i sa tim prekrsio G.P 1.7. 26.3.2023 ID 2150 je prebacio pumpu br. 6 za zlataru br. 44. i sa tim prekrsio G.P 1.7.gta5grand.com
Approved - G.P 1.7 | 2150 i 13852
ID 2150 je prebacio benzinsku pumpu od 300-400$ mil. za zlataru ID-u 13852 i obrnuto. Želim da se kazne za G.P 1.7 kako i spada jer biznis od 50$ mil. ne može vrediti kao biznis od 300$ mil. To se desilo pocetkom 2023. godine ili krajem 2022. godine. Za ovu situaciju nisu kaznjeni u proslosti.gta5grand.com
Approved - G.P 1.7 | ID: 2150, 31, 155
ID 2150 je dobio/prebacio chip tuning br. 21 od ID-a 155 ili je prebacio nekom drugom naknadno (chip tuning u Paletu) ispod market price i sa tim prekrsio G.P 1.7 pravilo. Vremensko razdoblje imate u logovima sve detaljno. Vise puta prebacen chip tuning br. 21 ispod market price / mijenjan za...gta5grand.com
Approved - G.P 1.7 | ID: 2150, 31, 155
ID 2150 je dobio/prebacio chip tuning br. 21 od ID-a 155 (chip tuning u Paletu) ispod market price i sa tim prekrsio G.P 1.7 pravilo. Vremensko razdoblje imate u logovima sve detaljno. Isti ID je dobio sharing br. 1 (car sharing u Paletu) od ID 31 ispod market price. Vremensko razdoblje...gta5grand.com
The player has been banned five times for violating General Rule 1.7, which is 60 days per situation.
5x60 = 300 days of ban - this is just part of what he has been punished for.
If you review his logs thoroughly (sale/purchase/exchange of houses and businesses) you will find at least 10 to 30 more violations, which means an additional 600 to 1,200 days of bans.
This is just a small part of his G.P 1.7 violations. His friend, ID 31 Daniel Zampa, has already received a blacklist because he and ID 2150 were massively breaking the rules by transferring businesses at government prices or below, violating General Rule 1.7. I believe it is now time for ID 2150 to receive a project blacklist as well, just as ID 31 did for massively violating General Rule 1.7.
If you take a closer look at ID 2150's logs for the sale/purchase/exchange of houses and businesses, you will see that he has violated G.P 1.7 at least 15 to 30 more times by exchanging ATMs for chip tuning, gun shops for chip tuning, or car sharing, and so on, for which he hasn't been punished.
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