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Emilio West

Nov 18, 2023
1.My IRL name: Eyad

2.My Age: 22


4.Average online per day:8-9

5.My Discord. emiliowest

6.My Nickname: EmiIio West

7.My ID: 62218

Additional information

1.Leader of Marabunta

-1xBallas leader

-2xDeputy of Vagos

-1xDeputy of Marabunta

-2xDeputy of Families

-2xDeputy of Ballas

-2x Turfer of Families

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.I want to be the leader of Marabunta because, of my experience in the Illegal organization , As u can see I have experience and I even became leader of Ballas before but I and I want to go through the experience one more time this time avoiding all the mistakes I have done before

- I think that I can lead Marabunta to make one of the best terms and make it the best gang known to our city

- To make marabunta as good as it should be its been a long time since we have seen Marabunta in its high graces and I want to be the one to return it back to the say it was

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

1.In my opinion I think that the most important part is the deputies and the high commands as they are going to make the structure of the gang along with me

2.Secondly the activities which under my leadership will not be missed as I will make sure that the gang is active and well taken care of and that its not lacking any of the necessities like weapons through the battle ship event and the Clandestine event and Fort Zancudo raides and store robberies

3.Making sure that the members have full knowledge of the ghetto and events rules and the general rules as well

My goals for Marabunta :

-Take control of the ghetto

-Getting a 100% turf

-Making the Marabunta the best it can be

- Make it the most active gang possible

-Destroy other gangs and make Marabunta the best gang in our city

Select for moderation


Apr 25, 2024
In the small town of Bluffridge, two best friends, Sigma and Aura, were known for being as different as night and day. Sigma was the serious, stoic type—always talking about self-discipline, success, and grinding through life. He wore sunglasses indoors, read self-help books for fun, and had a motivational poster that read, *"You can't spell Sigma without success."*

Aura, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She was carefree, spiritual, and constantly in tune with her "vibes." She believed that everything in life was about "flowing with the universe." She often dragged Sigma to meditation circles, much to his annoyance, but somehow, they balanced each other out.

One Saturday afternoon, they decided to grab coffee at their usual spot. Sigma, predictably, ordered a black coffee—no sugar, no cream, just bitter and strong, like his life philosophy. Aura, meanwhile, ordered some sort of "chakra-aligning lavender latte" that had more colors than a rainbow.

As they sat down, Aura looked at Sigma with a sly smile. “Sigma, you’ve got to try something new. All this ‘grind’ energy is throwing your aura off balance.”

Sigma rolled his eyes. “Aura, you know what throws my ‘aura’ off balance? Not achieving greatness.”

“Come on, just once. Let the universe guide you!” Aura said, pulling a crystal from her pocket and waving it around his coffee cup. “This will open up your third eye.”

“Aura, I don’t need my third eye open. The first two are already focused on success.”

But Aura wasn’t having it. She placed the crystal down on the table, closed her eyes, and began chanting. Sigma raised an eyebrow, but kept sipping his black coffee.

Moments later, the barista brought Aura her colorful drink. She took one sip and smiled blissfully. “Ah, perfect. My aura is glowing. See, Sigma? Life is about *flow.* Not about… whatever it is you do.”

Just then, a man in a business suit walked by, accidentally knocking Aura’s drink off the table. The lavender latte spilled everywhere, and Aura gasped, horrified.

Sigma smirked. “Looks like the universe had other plans for your flow.”

Aura looked up at him,
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