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Pending review SAHP Corrupt Bio | Goerge Marshh | 34074


Aug 11, 2024
Organization: SAHP
Name: George Marshh
Gender: Male
Age (IC): 24
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Place of Birth: Chittagong, Bangladesh
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: In left arms
Strengths: Can handle any situation easily
Weakness: Lazzyness

Life Story:​

George Marshh was born in Chittagong, Bangladesh, into a world filled with hardship. His father, a local businessman with a strong sense of justice, often stood up against the local gangs that plagued their community. Unfortunately, this bravery cost him his life when George was just a boy. His father was killed in a gang fight, leaving George and his mother to fend for themselves in a dangerous and unforgiving environment.

Struggling to cope with the loss, George's mother decided to move to Los Santos, seeking a fresh start in a new land. They arrived with little more than hope and determination, but life in the big city was harsh. George's mother worked tirelessly to support them, but her health began to deteriorate. When George was just 16, she was diagnosed with a severe illness. Despite their best efforts, she passed away during a complicated surgery, leaving George completely alone in a foreign land.

Devastated and angry, George found himself drawn to the very world his father had fought against. He joined a local gang, seeking power and revenge for the hardships he had endured. George quickly rose through the ranks, known for his ruthlessness and strategic mind. But as the years passed, the thrill of the criminal life began to wear thin. The emptiness of his actions gnawed at him, and the memory of his parents’ values started to resurface. George realized that the path he had chosen was not what his father would have wanted.

Determined to make amends, George decided to leave the gang life behind. He sought redemption by joining the SAHP, hoping to turn his life around and fight against the very criminals he once stood with. It wasn’t easy, but George’s street smarts and inside knowledge of gang operations made him an asset to the force. His colleagues, unaware of his past, saw him as a dedicated officer willing to do whatever it took to get the job done.

For a while, George found a sense of purpose in his work. He believed he was finally on the right path, honoring his father’s legacy by bringing justice to the streets of Los Santos. But the ghosts of his past were never far behind, and the line between right and wrong began to blur once again.

Career Story:​

George Marshh joined the(SAHP) with a resolve to leave his criminal past behind. Initially, his inside knowledge of gang operations made him an invaluable asset to the force. He was able to anticipate criminal activities, crack down on illegal operations, and quickly rose through the ranks. His colleagues admired his dedication, and his superiors often praised his effectiveness in handling tough cases.

However, the very skills that made George successful as an officer also made him susceptible to corruption. The temptations of power, money, and influence that he had once experienced in the gang world began to resurface. At first, it was small infractions—overlooking minor crimes in exchange for information, accepting gifts from informants. But soon, George found himself drawn deeper into the underworld he had sworn to fight.

Using his position in the SAHP, George began to manipulate investigations, protect certain criminal enterprises, and even orchestrate illegal activities for his own gain. His past connections in the gang world allowed him to build a network of corrupt alliances, making him both feared and untouchable within the department. George became a master at playing both sides, maintaining the appearance of a dedicated officer while secretly profiting from the very crimes he was supposed to stop.

Despite his efforts to keep his double life hidden, suspicions began to grow among his colleagues. An internal investigation was launched, and George realized that his past was catching up with him. Facing exposure and the collapse of his carefully constructed life, George was forced to confront the reality of his choices. The man who had once sought redemption had become a symbol of the corruption he had vowed to escape.
1. George can deny/lie about calling an attorney for a suspect in his custody.
2. George can use illegal firearms and items(drugs, engine blockers) on/off duty that he found after fights through his victims or through his own personal purchases.
3. George can partake in criminal activities alone, or with his family and friends.(Killing/Robbing/Kidnapping/Torturing).
4. George can take bribes.(Up to 100k or equivalent value in illegal items/weaponry).
5. George can use truth serum (/try to use truth serum twice per situation ).
6. George can refuse to show his Identity to protect his identity and privacy.
7. George can leak classified information for money to gangs(Up to 100k in cash or equivalent in illegal items)
8. George can misuse his power and authority to assist family members or friends in escaping from prison or removing them from the wanted list.
9. George can search Law Enforcement and suspects for their bodycams and destroy them by smashing them on the ground.
('/try to find the bodycam' 2x per situation and '/do to destroy it' No judges, lawyers bodycam may be broken with correct RP).
10. George can break any state laws while on or off duty.
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