Capitol Raid
"no face no case", but there was a case. 8th April was one of the most horrible days in Vagos history. Under-Mafia & Mafia was roaming around LS and then they got news stating that the whole FIB is trying to find them as the Government have issued arrest warrants.But some guys from Government called Mafia and told him to come to Lifeinvader for telling a secret info but while having a meeting whole FIB came there and then a high speed chase began , Mafia was knowing that he and his guys can't really do anything in city and that's why he went to Ghetto where Vagos is located then a Heavy gun fight happened and we lost 30-40 guys that day , but Mafia was saved by FIB and after that they went to Capitol then Mafia never returned...Revenge
As soon as brother of Mafia got this news he came to LS. He is mad, he has not felt this way after his parents passed away. there are only few people left that he trusts, he want revenge, he wants justiceHis plan is to attack Capitol, safest place in state, most guarded, and full of money. They will rush in with all his people and take hostages, ask for money and demands, he is want to meet LSPD Chief, he wants to kill him. Meanwhile when negotiations are going on, several experts will be cracking huge safe under the building where government keeps their tax money. This will be the biggest robbery in countries history.
Brother of previous Mafia took over the Vagos , and with few other seniors of Vagos members Starts Planning the Attack.1. Meeting Dealer near Alamo Sea, which will sell them 4 drills needed To Crack the safe.
2. Meeting With Corrupted LEO: Making it so that Several Leaders and high ranks be at the same place same time. (In capitol)
3. Loading all equipment's in trunks, Taking extra guns, Heals and many other stuff with trucks.
4. They need to park Both Their trucks in front of Main doors, in order to block the gates so they cant escape.
5. Once they unload everything they will Seal the Main door with planks(Wood). So they cant come in (we will do outplay and need admin to setup barricade.)
6. Once inside take hostages immediately, lock them inside the Room, take their keys, Belts, Radios, PDAs, everything they have on them. Taking their guns. (All with outplays from both players)
7. Meanwhile, Under-Mafia with 2-3 Lockpick Experts will go to safe and start Opening it, If the Drill breaks all 4 times then they will use Governor or Deputy governor to unlock it. Money will be packed in Duffle bags, which will be carried by different members so they don't lose it once.
8. Asking money for hostages, And robbing Safe at the same time. that is the plan.
Gangs: follow the attack point.LSPD/SAHP/FIB: Negotiate and try to neutralize the gangs
GOV/NG: Try to save Capitol if they aren't able to save it then they have to surrender and follow the demands
EMS:Would be at Capitol to provide Aid for hostages
Lifeinvader:If they take part then they would be covering the news
1. Approval for attack2. Permission to take more than 2 hostages(there is going to be many people there to take hostage, It will Be really unrealistic to let everyone go and to only keep 2)
3. Permission to make people get on knees, instead of only hands up.
4. Budget For hostages / How much money do we take from the safe.
5. Admin to help us lock the main door with barricade, Also to Lock Doors where the hostages are once outplays are done.
6. Each and every door should be unlocked.
7.More info detailed about date and etc.. will be provided in DMs