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Akshit Negi

Jul 20, 2024
Organization: EMS

Name: Gopal Singh
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Male
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Circle Tattoo at Back
Strengths: A great helicopter Flyer & a great trainer
Weakness: A low Car driving skills

Life Story: Gopal was born in the hospital near LSPD HQ. His father was the Leader of Bloods. His father trained him how to shoot from a gun, how to loot someone, how to do a store Robbery, how to take Hostage & every illegal activity. But Gopal was a Good citizen he did not want to commit crimes & stuff. So one day Gopal decided to run & live his life as he wanted he worked as an electrician but the wage was meager & decided to drive a taxi because it has a High wage. Gopal was driving his taxi and decided to grab some snacks on the way home but when he was in the store some people in red clothes kidnapped him & when he woke up he saw his father in front of him. Gopal was tortured for some days and after being given a chance to stay in the gang one day Gopal managed to escape again this time Gopal wanted revenge on his father & joined LSPD but was sacred there because LSPD HQ was near the Gang HQ. So Gopal decided to get a transfer to SAHP. Gopal managed to join SAHP but some of his Father's genetics were left in him.

Career Story: Gopal was an electrician at first but due to very low wages he switched his job to a taxi driver and was bored later he decided to help the city by joining an LEO department he didn't know much about the LEO department and suggested of his friend he joined the Government as a DOC officer and made some friends there but he wanted to do stuff like arresting and citations So, as a result, he left DOC and joined SAHP as a trainee after he was trained and became a trooper but he got information that SAHP was disbanding So he left SAHP with his friend and they both joined LSPD he worked there 1 week and got SAHP is back so got back to SAHP
and joined the FTO department and later in the next term he became DHOD of HR and in the same term the HOD of HR. After SAHP disbanded again he joined NG and Government as USSS but after SAHP got back he again joined SAHP and was DHOD of HR for 2 terms, 3 times Chief of HR after that, I became the Chief Of Staff for 2 terms and Chief Commander In SAHP, after that he joined the EMS and Worked soo hard that he was able to get the highest Rank in EMS.

Only Outcome:
1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)

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Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
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Make sure to make its own Life Story Then Re-Apply
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