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Reviewed GR 1.1, GR 1.2 I Lebron Pluxury for Mazhor Pluxury

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Tin Rinna
Administrators nickname
Mujo Simba
Oct 14, 2024

Tin Hypnotik

Jan 18, 2022

Cao Mazore. Pre 3 dana moj nalog je hakovan i osoba koja je usla je vredjala projekat i dobila je ban. takodje je promenila sifru i gmail ali sam uz pomoc vaseg tehnickog osoblja uspeo da promenim gmail i sifru. Dok sam bio banovan sam dobio i blacklistu sa servera, pokusavao sam da dodjem do razloga zasto ali mi niko nije odgovrio. Posle sam pisao Lebronu koji mi je skinuo blacklistu ali mi je dao kaznu za G.P 1.1 i G.P. 1.2. Pisao sam unban apeal na sta mi je receno da se reseno vec. I dalje sam trajno banovan. Ne znam da li mi je Lebron dao 1.1 za ovo sad ili za nesto sto je video u logovima pre 2 godine, za to sam pisao Administatoru Muji Simbi koji je odobrio da igram par dana sa drugog racunara. Za 1.2 sam svestan svojih gresaka, da nisam dobro cuvao svoje podatke. Bilo bi mi jako drago ako bi mi dali samo jos jednu drugu sansu da se vratim na vas projekat, nasao sam jako puno dobrih drugara i fali mi da budem deo svega toga. Ja nikada nisam prekrsio pravilo 1.1 uvek sam samo ja igrao na svom nalogu. Hvala na citanju.


Hey Mazor. 3 days ago my account was hacked and the person who got in insolted the project and got banned. He also changed the password and gmail, but with the help of your technical staff I managed to change the gmail and password. While i was banned, I also received a blacklist from the server, I tried to find the reason why, but no one answered me. Afterwards, I wrote to Lebron, who took me off the blacklist, but gave me a ban for G.R. 1.1 and G.R. 1.2. I wrote an unban appeal to which I was told that it had already been resolved. I'm still permanently banned. I don't know if Lebron gave me 1.1 for this now or for something he saw in the logs 2 years ago, for that I wrote to Administrator Mujio Simba who allowed me to play for a few days from another computer. For 1.2 I am aware of my mistakes, that I did not save my data well. I would be very happy if you would give me just one more chance to return to your project, I have found a lot of good friends and I miss being a part of it all. I never broke rule 1.1, I was always the only one playing on my account. Thanks for reading

Here is the picutre of DM with Mujo where he said its okay to play on another computer for few days.
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