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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Oct 16, 2024
https://imgur.com/a/4FmsR0D, https://imgur.com/a/SaLUQfW, https://imgur.com/a/b2r4k1i

Alexa Bros

Feb 27, 2024
Hello Sir,

I am here to report an wrong decision by Hassy Davids

I explain here as we can see here in proof, The admin Usama Volkov written first that Ballas will receive 2 warning for Not providing pov that is capture rule 2.33 for 1 (i.e 17:22 of which the punishment was given, but for the other one (i.e 16:00 they didn't gave punishment) and laterely here usama announced this ( from now on) also he changed the msg written there which could you guys see what happened. Then when 48 hours were passed they started telling sorry, etc they didnt know they also said that didn't get notification which is clearly deceiving as here in proof 1 (we can see that he said he didnt get notification on 17 oct 8:09) and here the proof 2 where we reopened the request also in the proof 3 we said that 24 hours is done but due to their (ballas) knowledge that they were not knowing whenever a playback demanded referring to rule 2.33 it is mandatiory to give pov in given time limit, so the question arises as if they had not seen the thing of reopening( which we posted at (16 october 1:35 am ) then how could they answer FOR the msg in proof 3 that we wrote (24 hours done )in replying to that they written here that we(us) dont know rules so how could they reply to our message in capture flood this without seeing the capture pov request (when we said that we reopen it at 1:35 am on oct 16 and write 24 hours to remind them at 9:45 pm on october 16 and they replied to our message that we don't know rules as we said their 24 hours done they said this at 10:08 pm on october 16 that means it is not that they were not knowing but they weren't aware of the rule properly it clearly states that the ballas leader MR crismon and Ballas deputy MR Serhat cosa is Deceiving Admin by saying (they didn't got notification which i had proved above)
I believe they get punished as i had proved that they were wrong, I believe that everybody get fair punishment

Here Hassy Sir said that they were not knowing it and said usama has announced the new rule but the announcement itself says that from now on and also i had also proved above that they were knowing that it has demanded but they were not knowing the rule as here
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