Dear Admin .
I am EN3 player and today i rented a shop in black market and put 6 cocaine 7k each and 60 drugs 2k each and 1 heavy sniper 300k and 60 ammo for sniper 1.5k each and 6 armor 9.5k each then i sell 4 cocaine and 2 armor then i sold the heavy sniper and sniper ammo in exchange , Then i sow someone put heavy sniper for 30k and i bought it and i waited that guy and told him that wrong price and give him back his heavy sniper in exchange for 30k , Then i bought from someone 10 revolver in bulk 3k each and 10 assault carbine in bulk 3k each , Then i rented a shop in beach market and sold in it 70 copper 50 each , Then i bought a rims type 3 in exchange 150k , Then i bought a max quality chan bag with spikes for 150k from shop in beach market , Then i sold to my friend fuel extraction for 200k , And in all day i looking for copper for 70 to 100 each and i bought them all in exchange , I think i didnt make any rule break cuz thats all i made today and you can make sure my words by check my logs then if i make any rule break i apologize and i hope to give me chance .
Thanks for your time to read my forum.