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Nateq Blakely

Jan 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Nathaniel
2. Your age: 27
3. Time zone: CST (GMT-5)
4. Average online per day: 3-7 Hours
5. Your Discord: TechNicChart
6. Your Nickname: Nateq Blakely
7. Your ID: 60897

Additional Information
1. Leader of- Lifeinvader (LI)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
  1. Lifeinvader is home: The first day I flew into the city, I had only stepped out of the hotel for twenty minutes when I met Rui Ace, who was unknown to me at the time and was about to change my life forever. I was brought to a clothing store, given a suit, handed a microphone, and in less than ten minutes I was hosting “Fame of Shame” live to every TV in the city. I would meet Gazee Beau, Minxy Malono, Tim Profit, Kim Abergil, Light Moon, and my life would never be the same again. I would write 6 articles that night and within 24 hours of becoming a citizen, I was Department Director of Journalism. I would then hold that position for 6 months straight. I would write a journalism policy that is still in use with Gazee Beau. I would host over 10 “Fame or Shame Talent shows” and be the MC for around a dozen other events sponsored by LI. This is not just another organization for me, or a chance to be a leader again, this is a homecoming for me and I've been homesick for too long.

  2. Standardizing and Developing Organizational Structure: Lifeinvader is special as an organization not just because it's the only private corporation in the city but because of the history created by those who have come before us. For far too long, the internal workings of Lifeinvader have been passed over and not updated or formatted. I plan not only to have an extreme focus on training and developing the internal documents for my term but setting up every leader and term after for success. However everyone can say I want to do this, let me change that by giving you an exact plan. Already my Deputies Nxy Kleps and Frankie Hill have worked with me for hours breaking down each department. Assigning every role one can have in the organization's respective job duties and thoroughly explaining how to complete them. Not only saying hey these are the bonuses you can earn but how to earn them. We also spent time taking the currently used 3-page creative internal policy and making an in-depth 14-page one where anyone who joins Creative will not only understand the services but how they can go about creating their own original ideas. We developed a Mentor system where senior staff members will be assigned an intern or Junior staff member to help them through their first steps and experiences at the organization. While using the High Command to mentor as well by putting the Department Directors in charge of the Senior Staff, Head of Departments in charge of Junior staff, and Deputy Head of Departments in charge of intern staff. Also taking the current ads policy and reworking the formatting of the massive amount of information that those incredible individuals have collected before us and adding easy-to-understand explanations for new members to more effectively learn from. It's one thing to look at the information that you already know and find an answer it's another for someone who is new to the city to be able to look at it and fully grasp it. I want to do this because I love this kind of stuff!

  1. Call of service: Why do I want to be a Lifeinvader leader? It's the same reason I wanted to be governor because it's the best thing I can do to help the city I love. I joined the city when I was at a low point in my life, it got me through a bad breakup, the time I lost my job, the pain of when I thought that the company I started was going under, and helped me be somewhere else as someone else when I hated who I saw in the mirror. Nateq Blakely was a no-one, however, Los Santos in its crazy and wild way reached out to me and said you are safe here. From that moment I vowed that I would do what it took to help the city that in some way, saved me. I’ve been asked many times, do I want to be an admin, and my response has always been the same “I can do more for the city here on the ground than I could ever do in the sky”. When I saw that the Government couldn't stay open and the city was angry by it I stood up, I knew nothing about GOV, but I did 60 days straight, second in the history of our city to do so. I had never led an organization, so when I became the leader of the hardest one in the city, it's fair to say I was out of my depths. It was the most stressful project I’ve ever done before, however, I never lost sight of the honor it was to be there in that position. I now look at Lifeinvader, my first home, and I see that it needs help. The city needs an organization that is going to create fun events, report on their stories, and help them earn a few extra bucks. Selfishly I want Lifeinvader leader because I truly think right now in the city I'm the best that can do it, but also because it's just another small way I can pay back the city for everything it has done for me.
3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.
  • It starts from the top down. I am known as one of the city’s best RPers and I will bring that to the organization that I’m leading. How can I honestly expect my team to want to RP if I’m not doing it myself? Easily by allowing them to RP with me the RP of the entire organization will improve.
  • Allowing for new ways to experience the job will create more diverse and interesting opportunities for RP to happen naturally. Creating a position of “Photographer” while also adding a new thread called “Photo-Galley” in the email where Lifeinvader-only members can post pictures that they take and journalists can buy them for 10k for use in their articles. Once the Picture is bought that money then goes to said Photographer. Replacing the “Human Resource” role with a “Promotor” title where it will be the job of those individuals to go out in the city and speak with families, Organizations, and business owners to buy services or create events. Creating not only more RP for my team but also for citizens in the city.

  • Bring the employees back to HQ, right now the HQ is basically always empty unless someone is sleeping somewhere inside. However if we put the creative staff in the art room (color room with sliding glass doors), ads in the bull pin (Area with all the computers), and Journals in the studios talking with each other, and helping each other on their work it will lead to deeper conversations and a better-trained staff. Right now Lifeinvader is a bunch of Freelancers doing a job and competing against each other for ads, tickets, and article slots. Let's fit that by instead creating a community of artists, writers, and detail-originated individuals.
Increasing the Roleplay within the different departments of LifeInvader.
  • Creative needs to be less about waiting for a ticket to come through on the email and more about event planning and marketing. We need them even the lower ranks to be out there talking with people meeting the needs of the city. We should always be planning a party, looking for the newest DJ, and making business deals with Business owners. This change in focus of Creative will now give them opportunities to earn bonuses and have work to do in between working on tickets and events.
  • Journalism is the easiest to create RP for because they are out there taking photos and making videos they will then use to create articles. However, imagine if you as a journalist were introduced to the Chief of Police at LSPD or any legal or crime organization and were set up as their personal PR representative. This will give every organization in the city a chance to be heard and each term to highlight the differences and special moments that they create.
  • Ads for the history of Lifeinvader have been the solo guys and gals of the org. Letting Senior staff members take on a mentorship role with Junior and Intern staff will create a better sense of bonding within the department. Having more Ads members stay and work from the HQ will also let more of those who work together get to know each other and problem-solve together. This promotes RP and decreases mistakes made in Ads.
Here are some things in my mind, that I aim to fulfill during my term
  • My team will understand that respect and professionalism are not a privilege but a right for everyone.
  • The current goal is to create 5 events a week sizes ranging from Major, Medium, and Mirco events.
  • The city might be asleep but Lifeinvader never sleeps. We will have a strong day and night shift to make sure everyone has a chance to experience a fully functioning Lifeinvader.
  • Training will be a vital part of this term, we don't just have team members we will create experts in each field in which we offer services.
I like to end this application by saying, that to everyone else who is applying they might be able to keep Lifeinvader open for the next 30 days, but they will not take Lifeinvader to the heights I can. I didn't come here and say I have the idea of making Lifeinvader great, I gave you clear examples and plans of how my team and I will. Do you want a passionate leader well you can't spell passionate without NATE!

I stand with those who have come before me and I will hold the torch high for those who come after me
Nateq Blakely

Abhijeet Burrows

Head of Bunnies
Server Administrator
Feb 6, 2024
You have been selected for the LifeInvader CEO Interview!

Interviews will be held tomorrow, i.e. Saturday, 9th November.
Contact Abhijeet Burrows (m340i.9) or Opti Pride (optimuscuk) to Schedule the time of interview.
Failure to contact will result in automatic rejection of your application.
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