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Sep 10, 2024
Name: Ragnar Pluxury
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Asian
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Men
Weight: 55 kg
Height: 5'9"
Eye Color
: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Tattoos: No
Strengths: Intelligent, Fast runner
Weaknesses: Lazy,

LifeStory Of Ragnar Pluxury
Ragnar was a poor boy who use to live in a small hut Of los santos with his parents He use to go to street and beg Money But one day he he decided to become rich he started thinking ways to become rich He was thinking while walking in road his friend saw him and came to him and asked what are you thinking? ragnar said i want to become rich i can do anything to become rich Than his friend suggested him to join any gang do crime you will earn lot of money From it after that he joined vagos gang and started doing crimes like taking people hostage,Looting Them Selling drugs and guns But One Day Gang Fired him from his organization because they can see That he was earning more money than us.
After that Ragnar Decided to Join FIB And he joined FIB very easily because he was a close combat master and he could easily take down 4 people And his driving skills was really great he could land his helicopter in any tight spot After Joining fib Ragnar thought to Kill The person who had fired him from gang than other day ragnar attacked the gang base With His Other FIB friends And killed the Guy who fired him.


1) Combat Skills: Ragnar can easily disarm and take down 4 enemies, thanks to his martial arts training.(Following Fear Rp)

2) Interrogation Techniques: he can get information from people using his psychological skills (Only with /try twice per situation).

3) Aerial Mastery: A skilled pilot as he has flew helicopter in FIB for a long time, he can land and fly helicopters precisely (No UB flying).

4) Driving Expertise: He is a skilled driver who is an expert in navigating various types of terrain such as grass, sand, dirt and gravel, due to being a skilled driver for the Gang . However, it is important to note that his expertise does not include driving in the mountains or other unrealistic driving scenarios (no UB driving).

5) Deception: He can give false info to police or gang members to his advantage.

6) Surveillance: He always has a small hidden camera recording everything (Activated via RP command).

7) Recognition Skills: He can Try to identify people by their face, clothes, and voice without needing to see their Passport or ID (No MG).

8) Weapon Handling: He can pick up and use any weapon for self-defense, but not during an active gunfight.

Sultan Pluxury

Mar 12, 2022

Outcome 4: (No UB and No NonRp Driving)
Outcome 6
: Rejected

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC​
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