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Mire Frantelli
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Mujo Simba
Nov 13, 2024
nemam mujo izvini


Nov 13, 2024
Pozdrav postovani mujo ovdje Emir Frantelli zelim da iskazem iskreno izvinjenje ovo je 7 zalba koju pisem i zelim da iskazem da mi je zaista zalo do rp projekta i zelim da iskazem iskreno izvinjenje koje sam ucinio i nisam to zelio, server je napravljen da se igra fer i korektno i da se svi zabavljamo i da upoznajemo mnogo drugara.
Tokom moih cijelih skoro 2god od kad sam dosao na grand rp upoznao sam dosta drugova i drugarica i do dan danas se cujem sa njima i zelio bih da nastavim opet igru na rs projektu, A dragi mujo nisam nista namjeravao uraditi i zelim da iskazem iskreno izvinjenje ne samo vas nego i cijelog servera.
Mujo molim vas evo jos jednom ako ne mogu dobiti unban na svog nalogu daj te mi sansu jos jednu sansu pristajem da mi brisete sve sa naloga samo da igram sa drugarima i da opet nastavim sa roleplay igrom, Grand rs je moj omiljeni server i nisa tjeno nista uraditi nego moj drug usao je na moj nalog foruma i pisao neke zalbe u vezi vas i servera, sifra tog naloga je ista sifra na svim moim gmailovima pa je tako usao na forum.
Tuznim porukama drugovi su mi slali da sam black listan toga mi je zaista zao i nisam imao vise nista igrati, skupio sam para togom sezone ljeta da kupim pc novi i da krenem igrati na rp ali evo sad sam dobio bl radi druga jednog iz rl, Mujo molim te jos jednom molim te daj mi jos jednu sansu da se vratim na server i sve sto je drug pisao vama na forum zelim reci javno da pristajem sve te poruke i vrijedanja sebi staviti, nekazem da nisam ja vama nesto rekao ruzno, rekao sam jer sam bio iznerviran u toj situaciji i nisam znao sta reci bio sam izgubljen ali nadam se da cu dobiti opet sansu da se vratim na predivni rp projekat
Srdacan pozdrav od Emir Frantelli
Mujo For Lebron

Hello dear man here Emir Frantelli I want to express my sincere apology this is the 7th complaint I am writing and I want to express that I am really sorry for the rp project and I want to express my sincere apology for what I did and I did not mean it, the server is made to play fair and correctly and that we all have fun and meet many friends.
During my entire almost 2 years since I came to grand rp, I met a lot of friends and to this day I hear from them and I would like to continue playing again on the rs project. not only you but the entire server.
Man, please, here's one more time if I can't get an unban on my account, give me one more chance, I agree to delete everything from my account, just so I can play with my friends and continue with the roleplay game again, Grand rs is my favorite server and it's not tjeno nothing to do, but my friend entered my forum account and wrote some complaints about you and the server, the password of that account is the same password on all my gmails, so he entered the forum.
My friends sent me sad messages that I was blacklisted, I was really sorry and I didn't have anything to play anymore, I saved money that summer to buy a new pc and start playing on the rp, but now I got a bl because of a friend from rl, I'm begging you once again, please give me one more chance to return to the server and everything that my friend wrote to you on the forum, I want to say publicly that I agree to keep all those messages and insults to myself, I won't say that I didn't say something ugly to you, I said because I was annoyed in that situation and I didn't know what to say, I was lost, but I hope that I will get another chance to return to the wonderful rp project
Warm greetings from Emir Frantelli
Mujo For Lebron
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