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Mecaldo Vespucci
Administrators nickname
Mujo Simba
May 27, 2024

Petar Vespuccii

May 25, 2023
Hello Mr. Abraham,Mujo, Lebron

I am writing this complaint and asking for forgiveness four months ago on May 27, 2024. I received a blacklist on the RS server. The reason for the blacklist is because I insulted the deputy chief of administration. Because of that, I am really sorry and I am sorry. I apologized to Mr. Muja and he accepted the apology. and I thank him for that from the bottom of my heart, if you would give me a second chance I would work to be good and work only well for the grand project I really love the grand rp project and I was addicted to it I played for 8 hours a day minimum I helped people and it was really nice, but then I turned out to be stupid and in my nervousness I insulted Mr. Mujo and again I'm really sorry if you can main account 36269 leave the perm banned and let me play on twink acc 41245 I accept money wape and on twink acc only yes I can play with my friends again and have fun all day, I hope you understand me. Thanks for reading

Mecaldo Vespucci

main account: 36269

twink account:41245

Zdravo Gospodo Abraham, Mujo, Lebron

Pišem ovu žalbu i molim za oproštaj prije četiri mjeseca 27. maja 2024. Dobio sam blacklistu na serveru RS. Razlog za blacklistu je zato što sam vređao Deputy chief administratora. Zbog toga mi je zaista žao.Izvinio sam se gospodinu Muji i on je prihvatio izvinjenje. i zahvaljujem mu se na tome od srca, ako bi mi dali drugu šansu, radio bih da budem dobar i samo dobro radim za veliki projekat. Zaista volim grand rp projekat i bio sam zavisnik od njega igrao sam najmanje 8 sati dnevno sam pomagao ljudima i bilo je baš lepo, ali onda sam ispao glup i u nervozi sam vređao gospodina muju i opet mi je stvarno žao ako možete glavni nalog 36269 da ostavite perm banan i dopustite mi da igram na twink nalogu 41245 Prihvatam money vape i na twink nalogu samo da mogu ponovo da se igram sa prijateljima i da se zabavljam ceo dan, nadam se da me razumeš. Hvala na čitanju

Mecaldo Vespucci

glavni nalog: 36269

Twink nalog:41245

Pisem ovo za mog druga Mecaldo Vespuccii
I type this for my friend Mecaldo Vespuccii

and i would like to ask you for one more chance, I would like you to look at my 36269 and 41245 and check that there is not a single ban for 1.1 1.2 etc. I am a player who has never broken any rules except basic RP rules please check this Mr. Lebron,Mujo,Abraham i zamolio bih vas za još jednu šansu, voleo bih da pogledate moje 36269 i 41245 i proverite da li nema ni jednog ban za 1.1 1.2 itd. Ja sam igrač koji nikada nije prekršio nijedno pravilo osim osnovnih RP pravila molim vas proverite ovo Gospodo Lebron, Mujo, Abraham. I ova samo dopisi go pod zalbata I na angliski napisi dek pisis za mene za da razberit lebron

  1. Do lebron,mujo,abraham napisi go

    2,and i would like to ask you for one more chance, I would like you to look at my 36269 and 41245 and check that there is not a single ban for 1.1 1.2 etc. I am a player who has never broken any rules except basic RP rules please check this Mr. Lebron,Mujo,Abraham i zamolio bih vas za još jednu šansu, voleo bih da pogledate moje 36269 i 41245 i proverite da li nema ni jednog ban za 1.1 1.2 itd. Ja sam igrač koji nikada nije prekršio nijedno pravilo osim osnovnih RP pravila molim vas proverite ovo Gospodo Lebron, Mujo, Abraham.

Lebron Pluxury

Gang Unit
Curator of the project
Apr 30, 2021
Rejected. Forum got banned for helping a player to avoid forum ban
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