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Rejected SAHP Leader Application | Sadi Ivedik 161064

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Sadi Ivedik

Sep 2, 2023
  • Biographical Information
    1. Real Name: Sadi Ivedik
    2. Age: 21 (ic age 54 )
    3. Time Zone: UTC + 2
    4. Your ID : 161064
    5. How many hours are you online per day on average? 6-8 hours
    6. Discord ID: vulcan20023

    Additional Information
    1. Leader of which organization are you aspiring to be?
    2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (Share three reasons with us, and don't forget to give us the details behind each one)
  • To run a successfull uninterrupted two terms and uplift the spirit amongst loyal members of SAHP.
  • To have record breaking numbers in SAHP, and make it the smoothers and the best two terms in its history. Although this is vague and very difficult to accomplish as there have been great terms in the past, I strongly believe I along with my team have what it takes to make SAHP the best it has ever been
  • Increase reputation amongst other LEOs, educate officers on DOJ procedures and the state laws. I want to use my experience along with my deputies in the DOJ to set example for the rest of the organisation. There is no room for mistakes and I believe there have been too many mistakes to forgive. It is time we hold trainings and raise the standard in which we hire our units.

    3. What advice would you give for improving Roleplay level in the organization

  • Best way to improve RP in SAHP is by prioritising HR for the first week of the organisation being opened, and bring IA department to action only at the start of the second week. This unconventional method will ensure we focus on getting our numbers up and give 1 week grace period for people to make mistakes learn from them and not be penalised resulting in higher retention. However IA will be brought in to play beginning of second week to ensure everyone is in line and the organisation is running smoothly without any rule breaks. Moreover we will have more training sessions preferably one per day, I will be speaking more in depth about this below.

    4. What innovative ideas or strategies do you propose to introduce into the organization to enhance its efficiency, effectiveness, and overall impact?

  • I will implement training for SAHP everyday where every single member of SAHP despite the department they are in must attend 3 trainings per week. This will be mandatory and the training will entail MOCK UP events such as store robbery where we will put some units on the roof of a building in the National Guard base and hold cross trainings. We will practice in these events with National guard soldiers, where first the NG will hold roof and act as a crime family, and then we will Swap and SAHP will hold the roof and NG will be the LEOs. EMS will be invited as well to further improve efficiency, to train on how to arrive and provide services efficiently and quickly so the LEOs can secure the hostages soonest. Aside from this I would like a cross org training between FIB, LSPD, and SAHP for preparing for gun stores. I will work closely with all other state orgs however National Guard will be SAHPs primary partner in these trainings as we are located just a few miles of each other and we can hold trainings and use the bunker within the base for interrogations of high profile gang members which we capture in FZ Raid. I believe for SAHP to be successful we need to maintain the relations between orgs.

The departments that will be in my term will be:-
The objective of the swat team is to ensure that they are in every scene first to formulate a tactic for each unique situation, using their advanced training.
Human Resources: HR the back bone of every org, it is a team containing the most knowledgable members of SAHP who have a talent to attract more talent and a talent to teach, this is crucial as we need people not only very good at what they do, however also be able to teach any individual despite any obstacles.
IA: IA also known as Internal Affairs, will work closely with HR to ensure that the officers being hired are up to standard of SAHP. IA will ensure that punishments are given fairly and only to motivate the officers to reach their true potential, not to scare them away. IA must work independently on case files where extensive punishment may be needed, leading to an officer being kicked out of the organisation, they must reamin cool headed and work as a team of jury in a way to prevent any mishaps or unfair punishments.
HWP: Highway Patrol their job is very important, they must ensure that the highways are safe for citizens to travel day or night, it is crucial as well for gathering intel on situation, regarding robberies or hostages they must be the first on scene to radio all other organisations of this Intel.
UC: The job of Under Cover team is to gather intelligence and evidence on crime families and gangs to help FIB by sharing this intelligence to reach smoother and quicker results
SPU: SPF stands for Special Protection Force. The job of this department is to ensure the safe passage of any and all VIPs during events and/or visits. They are trusted to perform their duties and protect the VIP no matter the situation.

My experinece in LEO ORGs

  • High Command of NG 6 Terms / 14 Total NG terms
  • LT General of NG 1.5 Terms
  • USSS Captain 3 terms
  • SAHP US Marshal 1 Term / 2 terms as Senior Sergeant
  • SAHP DA 1Term
  • FIB Secret Agent 1 Term
  • DOJ Senior State Attorney 1 Term
  • DOJ State Attorney 5 Terms
  • DOJ Private Attorney | Vanguard Law Firm Partner

Chain Of Command
30: Sheriff
29: Undersheriff
28: Chief of Staff
27: Head of Department
26: Deputy Head of Department
25: US Marshal
24: Captain
**--- HIGH COMMAND ---**
23: Commissioner
22: Lieutenant
21: Major
20: Field Supervisor
19: Supervisor
18: Master Sergeant
17: Senior Sergeant
16: Sergeant
15: Senior Corporal
14: Corporal
13: Lance Corporal
12: Master Trooper III
11: Master Trooper II
10: Master Trooper I
9: Senior Trooper III
8: Senior Trooper II
7: Senior Trooper I
6: Trooper III
5: Trooper II
4: Trooper I
3: Probie
2: Trainee
1: Suspended

Kindest regards, thank you for your time and consideration
Sadi Ivedik
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