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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Pablo Bugzy
Administrators nickname
Yaswanth Trigger
Nov 23, 2024
https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/869198/#post-3061307 https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/867871/#post-3061303


Sep 4, 2024
Dear Higher-Ups - Please Review Till the End.

I am Desperately Now making this forum keeping my language and frustration together to keep this as Professional as i can from this Corruption from Yaswanth Trigger as my anger is now went from 0 to 1000, He needs Punished and not Verbal Warning Seriously! I am sick and tired of all these Things coming back at me when i have committed no Rule Breaks in either of the things now at this Point he is Targeting my ID and Multiple of my Own Forums he is punishing me on! As you may be aware of, He has Previously Punished me for 3.2 for Wife insult which was Fully IC and was appealed by Pablo here and he only got Verbal Warning which i was really not happy with but i thought i be the bigger person and leave it as that even though i was banned for no reason. Reviewed - Biased Admin I Yaswanth Trigger Now he punished me in my own Thread here. Which mentioned by him ER 1.2 Which in my case i cannot see myself doing ER 1.2 at all he even punished me for provoking where is provoking in that forum? Approved - ER 1.2 + NLR I 133499 + 137071 Right after this in another forum of mine also here He Punished me for UB Demand , can you please Explain to me what is UB about my Demands? my 5 seconds was Loud and clear and Totally RP nothing UB i did not shoot before the count of 1 or 2 or 3 and even gave it a second after my demands were given. Approved - Fail RP + GR 6.19 + Fear RP I 114644 + 177440 after that first warning i was speaking in admin tickets not even 2 minutes later another 1 comes also and randomly now all over the sudden its him Reviewing my forums that been there pending on forums for Days and some maybe Week and reviewed 2 of them forums in less than 5 minutes and Punished me on both when i have committed no Rule Breaks! First time he got away with Verbal warning from Pablo, at this Point this Guy is just Targeting me very very clearly! I am not happy with the way he is getting away with all of this Corruption even though from first complaint Serious Consequences he should have been Facing, as he is Abusing his Power way to much and Targeting me Literally for Past 10 minutes after issuing the Punishment he's Waiting for this appeal and sat on admin complaints waiting for it. Also i want to add to the fact and want to know if Yaswanth is ID 164032 as Previously in Server Time Stamp 21:15 there was event Hosted and i was standing on top of Batman Car after admin fixed it or teleport it I TP outside the Event Box and Few minutes later that admin Killed me and even when i was telling him i randomly teleported here he refused to bring me back said No in RP chat after he d Killed me seen on my screen, But few minutes later after talking in Admin Ticket and as soon as they see me asked for admins name with that ID and said i want to file admin complaint as i have POV so Pina put ++ & i got teleported back into the event, and i seen that same ID who was also Bugged outside Box with me inside the event before me. < The Chats Regarding this can be seen in the POV below after receiving the Second Warn from Yaswanth as i had Admin Ticket opened. So how for me in first place the admin killed me but put the other ID back inside? in my mind right now if that was also Yaswanth doing it then that just adds to everything in this report.

POV inside Hosted EVENT.

Proof Of Admin Tickets Chats & Multiple Punishments from Yaswanth in Matter of Minutes.



Sep 4, 2024
Also Approved - Fail RP + GR 6.19 + Fear RP I 114644 + 177440 Here i report ID 114644 for Fail RP as he done 6.19 (While Unconscious) / 6.19 Yaswanth Trigger Punished him only for GR 6.19 and Other guy was Reported for Fear RP Yaswanth Trigger Punished him for Reason UB? What even does that mean? Although my demands were not UB it was drug collection time literally exactly 22:00 + my demands are Heard and Clear. He punished me For UB Demands + GR 6.15 🤣 Other Thread He Punished me for ER 1.2 + Provoking it really does not make any sense to me at this point if this guy ever tried to look at server Rules and learn it for himself. + Before my Punishments both I did not see any of the IDs on both Threads which again they linked in proofs section i did not see a single ID get Punished but Myself, I hope this time there is Harsh Consequences as i am not willing to accept a Verbal Warning after serious Corruption and having to know that this guy is out here issuing Punishments that he feels like has been Broken without reading the Rules himself and what it says then checking if its broken, Because none of the Punishments he's Issued there i agree with in the slightest. From my Side. NO UB Demands, NO GR 6.15 , NO ER 1.2 & Finally NO Provoking. So what exactly is he talking about? So many forums i have looked at after this incident to try get to bottom of this if you check his forum Profile, So many forums of his getting Accepted with Incorrect Formats, Does not Punish People for Clear Rule Breaks because Thread Owner kept saying 'Easy Gov?' Example here as well. Rejected - GR6.4+fail rp+metagaming+provoking | 167881+161955+159141 So Unprofessional and does not deserve to be apart of the Admin Team, people often don't get accepted for Lack of Experience but in my Opinion here i do not see 1% of Experience from what i am looking at now. & I really do feel bad for Those who did not know Complaints about administrators and assistants This section is always opened for things like that.


Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
Rejected, admin has punished everything correctly based on what he was told, except for 3.2 for the wife situation, it was changed recently we have already talked with him about it.
and about the batman event no one tped you​
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