You keep running away from me
If this ban was justified I would not try for a few days to take it down
Please you why the admin who did this to me and made me accept it
Got a warn for 60 days and I got a ban for 60 days for something I did nothing about
I have proof for all
And I ask of you
Let's try once to see my side
And stop writing to me "If you keep complaining your user will be removed"
"We do not get to complain about bans"
If the ban was justified I would not try day after day after day
Please come once it will be exactly 5 minutes no more
If this ban was justified I would not try for a few days to take it down
Please you why the admin who did this to me and made me accept it
Got a warn for 60 days and I got a ban for 60 days for something I did nothing about
I have proof for all
And I ask of you
Let's try once to see my side
And stop writing to me "If you keep complaining your user will be removed"
"We do not get to complain about bans"
If the ban was justified I would not try day after day after day
Please come once it will be exactly 5 minutes no more