Dear admins as you can see from this Rejected - Deceiving Administration | Nik Payne Post he admits to ID 123123 being his twink and 123120 being his main. You will see in the evidence probided below that he has used a different name in both applications. Also in his NG application he has said he is 17 as where in his LSPD application you can see that he said he is 21. Which means he has aged 4 years in 6 months which i dont think is quite possible. He is also breaking forum rule 9. I also believe possibly Ban evading but i have no evidence to support that.
IMPORTANT - Applications for LSPD In this forum he has applied for LSPD on his twink (ID 123123)
IMPORTANT - Applications for National Guard In this forum he has applied for NG on his main (ID 123120)
As you can see he has used different forum accounts for both
Rix Federal (First Profile)
Rixx Federal (Second Profile)
IMPORTANT - Applications for LSPD In this forum he has applied for LSPD on his twink (ID 123123)
IMPORTANT - Applications for National Guard In this forum he has applied for NG on his main (ID 123120)
As you can see he has used different forum accounts for both
Rix Federal (First Profile)
Rixx Federal (Second Profile)
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