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Reviewed GR 6.4 + Fail RP + Mixing | 168225, 167881, 175406

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Your ID
Players nickname
Benito Vexonoid
Suspect ID
168225, 167881
Date of violation
Dec 4, 2024
Time of violation


yap too much
Aug 21, 2024
I was held in handcuffs for (IC Time - 14:03 to 14:53) 50 minutes, without being provided a lawyer.
(25 minutes already passed without them calling a lawyer at 29:02, they're still looking for leo highcommand/FIB)
ID 168225 read me my rights after which I asked for a lawyer at timestamp 10:40 (14:11 IC Time)
I was not provided a lawyer; in fact, they did not call for a lawyer to begin with and started to process me.
I let ID 167881 know that I asked for a lawyer before I was handed over to him, which he didn't care about and just said it's up to the arresting officer and denied my rights to a lawyer.
I was not even put in the lawyer room; they straight took me into jail cells.
This entire interaction I believe counts as corruption, and I could not find any corruption bio for the mentioned state employee.
(GR6.4/Fail RP) - (167881)
You can hear at 29:36 ID 168225 was telling the other NG guy that my time is over and to let me go, yet he still took me in to hand me over.
Timestamp 13:51 - Mixing - (174320)
Timestamp 34:32 - Fail RP - Saying that he's looking for my identification, instead searched and confiscated my stuff even before giving me a lawyer.
Timestamp 35:28 - Mixing (Saying POV instead of bodycam - ID: 153549)
Timestamp 29:35 - Corruption (Fail RP) - Ramming a 10-15 with his vehicle even though I am supposed to be safe in leo's hands. (ID 168225)
Timestamp 29:42 and 31:36 - Fail RP - (Dragging me without mentioning in chat/Voice - 175406)
Timestamp 48:47 - Promoting Corruption/Fail RP (Saying they are allowed to and can beat/torture me in the cell - 167881)​
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Viktor Lavrov

Oct 2, 2024
ID 167881 here:
Im the FIB officer, and as you can see in my POV. I asked the NG to read rights and charges. I was not informed about your lawyer request.


I was informed that your time was running out, and I had to process faster. And you should have said me that you asked for a lawyer when I took you into the reception. You decide to let the NG officers go away and later change the narrative to waste more time for me, isnt going to work. In your 58 minute clip.

My interaction with you before taking you to DOC reception was for about 2 1//2 minutes. Not a single time you raised your concern for a lawyer. Lawyers are asked via the arresting officer, and I'm not your arresting officer. This is as per the civil code.

Say I called a lawyer, next what? I don't have bodycam of the crime being committed. And that's a trick used by all of you to walk away freely. Again, you should have raised the voice for a lawyer before I took you into the DOC cell.

Further, I called your arresting officer, but he wasn't available.

And regarding the beating part, I said "Do you know we can beat you", I gave you a verbal confirmation that we aren't going to shoot you! cos that's what cops do when a prisoner doesn't comply. We have a police baton especially for that. Also, that was not a threat nor any action. It was a question. I see no corruption!
Further, you can be seen walking off when I pull your mask, which is PG. I'm pulling your mask and walking away that to in cuffs in a tight constrained is impossible.
Peace 🤞

Viktor Lavrov

Oct 2, 2024
I believe these Pov is necessary, and Full POV can be provided to reviewing admins personally as my WhatsApp notification pops up, and contains my identity details

Rock Destroyer

Nov 29, 2024
dear admin it is good say pov i dont thing soo its very big punishment against me but i see other org like ng lspd they say pov i dont wrong thing so

Rock Destroyer

Nov 29, 2024
had this thing is more than 48 hour i have my logs on that day 4:12:24 in this that it happend and alredy 48 hours complete if you want for logs screen shot i show you


yap too much
Aug 21, 2024
ID 167881 here:
Im the FIB officer, and as you can see in my POV. I asked the NG to read rights and charges. I was not informed about your lawyer request.


I was informed that your time was running out, and I had to process faster. And you should have said me that you asked for a lawyer when I took you into the reception. You decide to let the NG officers go away and later change the narrative to waste more time for me, isnt going to work. In your 58 minute clip.

My interaction with you before taking you to DOC reception was for about 2 1//2 minutes. Not a single time you raised your concern for a lawyer. Lawyers are asked via the arresting officer, and I'm not your arresting officer. This is as per the civil code.

Say I called a lawyer, next what? I don't have bodycam of the crime being committed. And that's a trick used by all of you to walk away freely. Again, you should have raised the voice for a lawyer before I took you into the DOC cell.

Further, I called your arresting officer, but he wasn't available.

And regarding the beating part, I said "Do you know we can beat you", I gave you a verbal confirmation that we aren't going to shoot you! cos that's what cops do when a prisoner doesn't comply. We have a police baton especially for that. Also, that was not a threat nor any action. It was a question. I see no corruption!
Further, you can be seen walking off when I pull your mask, which is PG. I'm pulling your mask and walking away that to in cuffs in a tight constrained is impossible.
Peace 🤞
1 - The NG officers did not call for a lawyer at all, they decided to wait for you and in my POV it clearly shows they said "Leo will give you". I asked for a lawyer multiple times, none of you guys even called DOJ to check if any is available.
2 - "Say I called a lawyer, next what? I don't have bodycam of the crime being committed. And that's a trick used by all of you to walk away freely." - Isn't that the whole point of calling a lawyer, to fight my charges and have me walk away freely?
So, you're practically admitting to doing Force RP and refusing to give me a fair chance of having a lawyer just because you don't have bodycam/the arresting officer and I can walk away lol.
3 - It's not my problem as a 10-15 that my arresting officer disappeared. My rights were not given to me properly, I made it pretty clear and said multiple times I wanted a lawyer, but you refused blaming on the NG officers and did corruption.
4 - "You have to fear for your life you're in a jail cell" your words, not mine right before you said "you know we can beat you" was a clear threat for torture from both officers (167881, 153549). It did not sound like a verbal warning at all if you're threatening my life. (Corruption again)
5 - It's not PG if I am walking away from you. You can hold me/have another officer hold me by my arm and do proper RP. Another officer previously did this 10-15 process where he held me by himself, said "I am tearing off your mask with one hand and holding you with another arm", which is also possible. Just because you can't do RP properly doesn't make it PG.

Viktor Lavrov

Oct 2, 2024
1 - The NG officers did not call for a lawyer at all, they decided to wait for you and in my POV it clearly shows they said "Leo will give you". I asked for a lawyer multiple times, none of you guys even called DOJ to check if any is available.
2 - "Say I called a lawyer, next what? I don't have bodycam of the crime being committed. And that's a trick used by all of you to walk away freely." - Isn't that the whole point of calling a lawyer, to fight my charges and have me walk away freely?
So, you're practically admitting to doing Force RP and refusing to give me a fair chance of having a lawyer just because you don't have bodycam/the arresting officer and I can walk away lol.
3 - It's not my problem as a 10-15 that my arresting officer disappeared. My rights were not given to me properly, I made it pretty clear and said multiple times I wanted a lawyer, but you refused blaming on the NG officers and did corruption.
4 - "You have to fear for your life you're in a jail cell" your words, not mine right before you said "you know we can beat you" was a clear threat for torture from both officers (167881, 153549). It did not sound like a verbal warning at all if you're threatening my life. (Corruption again)
5 - It's not PG if I am walking away from you. You can hold me/have another officer hold me by my arm and do proper RP. Another officer previously did this 10-15 process where he held me by himself, said "I am tearing off your mask with one hand and holding you with another arm", which is also possible. Just because you can't do RP properly doesn't make it PG.

Read what's written in Legislation, the arresting officer should allow you to practice your Mirinda rights. I just did the job which the NG ordered. You were silent when NG was there and after they left you said you asked a lawyer. If you are true, the NG guys should deserve punishment for corruption. And you can't ask Lawyer from me. Learn the difference.

What if you lied? Im supposed to listen to the NG, not a criminal.
All your Lawyer issues were mere NG's issue, not mine.

And I never shot you, nor beat you. So, learn what corruption really means. You are in my cell. I can beat a 10-15 if he doesn't obey. And you didn't.


Justice will be served!
Sep 10, 2024
That is absolutely wrong, Code of Civil 2.8.2 The suspect has the right to a lawyer, which cannot be denied or dismissed if requested.
And it is not National Guard's job to do it, whoever has the 10-15 under his/her responsibility at that moment, it is that law enforcement officer's or civil cervant's duty to get that 10-15 an attorney.
And you are the one processing him, you are the arresting officer. Do you think National Guard can process people ?
So for example if National Guard doesn't get this 10-15 attorney on purpose, you are not gonna do anything about it and play along them ?
That is nothing but complicity in corruption.
Are you gonna say "National Guard doesn't want you to get an attorney, so sorry you just will be processed" ?
Any suspect may get an attorney during their detention or arrest at anytime, till stars and fines are getting issued.


From Vladikavkaz.
May 14, 2022
That is absolutely wrong, Code of Civil 2.8.2 The suspect has the right to a lawyer, which cannot be denied or dismissed if requested.
And it is not National Guard's job to do it, whoever has the 10-15 under his/her responsibility at that moment, it is that law enforcement officer's or civil cervant's duty to get that 10-15 an attorney.
And you are the one processing him, you are the arresting officer. Do you think National Guard can process people ?
So for example if National Guard doesn't get this 10-15 attorney on purpose, you are not gonna do anything about it and play along them ?
That is nothing but complicity in corruption.
Are you gonna say "National Guard doesn't want you to get an attorney, so sorry you just will be processed" ?
Any suspect may get an attorney during their detention or arrest at anytime, till stars and fines are getting issued.
Nonsense, it clearly says only the arresting officer should call a lawyer. He is just an processing officer. Clerical job to follow the orders of the NG. FUB guy doesn't have the bodycam of crime being committed. How will he fight with the lawyer.

Viktor Lavrov

Oct 2, 2024
Yall do this again and again!
Call for lawyer after you reach the cell. So that your time will be extended and we can't show your evidence.

Not goanna work this time.


Justice will be served!
Sep 10, 2024
Nonsense, it clearly says only the arresting officer should call a lawyer. He is just an processing officer. Clerical job to follow the orders of the NG. FUB guy doesn't have the bodycam of crime being committed. How will he fight with the lawyer.
FIB won't show the bodycam, NG will. That's why you should exchange IDs with them when you are taking over their 10-15. So you can call them to DOC to provide their evidence.
They request an attorney, you get them attorney. What do miranda rights say ? He has the right to an attorney.
You are taking a huge responsibility by taking that 10-15 from NG, NG could have been mistaken and you might have been processing an innocent person. Have you ever looked at from this side ?
And let me clear one thing go read the parties to the detention, there is no such thing as "processing officer", there is detention and there is arrest. If you add different terms all laws would have been needed to be rewritten.
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yap too much
Aug 21, 2024
Yall do this again and again!
Call for lawyer after you reach the cell. So that your time will be extended and we can't show your evidence.

Not goanna work this time.
I did not ask for a lawyer after reaching the cell, I have asked for it way earlier if you check my POV. they didn't call for one and decided to hand me over, for which I also told you that I asked for a lawyer. You also failed to provide me with my Miranda rights. Not just failed to provide, you straight up dismissed my request.

Viktor Lavrov

Oct 2, 2024
I did not ask for a lawyer after reaching the cell, I have asked for it way earlier if you check my POV. they didn't call for one and decided to hand me over, for which I also told you that I asked for a lawyer. You also failed to provide me with my Miranda rights. Not just failed to provide, you straight up dismissed my request.
was I there when you asked for a lawyer?
You told me about the lawyer after you reached the cell, which is manipulating

Viktor Lavrov

Oct 2, 2024
FIB won't show the bodycam, NG will. That's why you should exchange IDs with them when you are taking over their 10-15. So you can call them to DOC to provide their evidence.
They request an attorney, you get them attorney. What do miranda rights say ? He has the right to an attorney.
You are taking a huge responsibility by taking that 10-15 from NG, NG could have been mistaken and you might have been processing an innocent person. Have you ever looked at from this side ?
And let me clear one thing go read the parties to the detention, there is no such thing as "processing officer", there is detention and there is arrest. If you add different terms all laws would have been needed to be rewritten.
all that you're saying is NG's fault. Lmao you ask me for lawyer after I take you to cell and also say it has been more than 25 mins. Liar


Justice will be served!
Sep 10, 2024
all that you're saying is NG's fault. Lmao you ask me for lawyer after I take you to cell and also say it has been more than 25 mins. Liar
Read what i wrote about whose responsibility to call a lawyer, till when a suspect may get an attorney. Im not gonna repeat myself...
I was not given lawyer's license on request, i have a decent experience and knowledge. Instead of trying to argue with me you should just listen to my advice and improve yourself or you can simply read the laws like i do. Do not take that as an insult plus about your last case with a jacket thing, it was later on confirmed by Supreme Court Judge that no matter what you still do need to turn on a new bodycam.

Raayan Pluxury

Sep 19, 2024
I was held in handcuffs for (IC Time - 14:03 to 14:53) 50 minutes, without being provided a lawyer.
(25 minutes already passed without them calling a lawyer at 29:02, they're still looking for leo highcommand/FIB)
ID 168225 read me my rights after which I asked for a lawyer at timestamp 10:40 (14:11 IC Time)
I was not provided a lawyer; in fact, they did not call for a lawyer to begin with and started to process me.
I let ID 167881 know that I asked for a lawyer before I was handed over to him, which he didn't care about and just said it's up to the arresting officer and denied my rights to a lawyer.
I was not even put in the lawyer room; they straight took me into jail cells.
This entire interaction I believe counts as corruption, and I could not find any corruption bio for the mentioned state employee.
(GR6.4/Fail RP) - (167881)
You can hear at 29:36 ID 168225 was telling the other NG guy that my time is over and to let me go, yet he still took me in to hand me over.
Timestamp 13:51 - Mixing - (174320)
Timestamp 34:32 - Fail RP - Saying that he's looking for my identification, instead searched and confiscated my stuff even before giving me a lawyer.
Timestamp 35:28 - Mixing (Saying POV instead of bodycam - ID: 153549)
Timestamp 29:35 - Corruption (Fail RP) - Ramming a 10-15 with his vehicle even though I am supposed to be safe in leo's hands. (ID 168225)
Timestamp 29:42 and 31:36 - Fail RP - (Dragging me without mentioning in chat/Voice - 175406)
Timestamp 48:47 - Promoting Corruption/Fail RP (Saying they are allowed to and can beat/torture me in the cell - 167881)​
Fear rp for thread owner cuz when they were telling him to remove his mask while 1 gun was aiming at him he didnt comply..

Raayan Pluxury

Sep 19, 2024
I was held in handcuffs for (IC Time - 14:03 to 14:53) 50 minutes, without being provided a lawyer.
(25 minutes already passed without them calling a lawyer at 29:02, they're still looking for leo highcommand/FIB)
ID 168225 read me my rights after which I asked for a lawyer at timestamp 10:40 (14:11 IC Time)
I was not provided a lawyer; in fact, they did not call for a lawyer to begin with and started to process me.
I let ID 167881 know that I asked for a lawyer before I was handed over to him, which he didn't care about and just said it's up to the arresting officer and denied my rights to a lawyer.
I was not even put in the lawyer room; they straight took me into jail cells.
This entire interaction I believe counts as corruption, and I could not find any corruption bio for the mentioned state employee.
(GR6.4/Fail RP) - (167881)
You can hear at 29:36 ID 168225 was telling the other NG guy that my time is over and to let me go, yet he still took me in to hand me over.
Timestamp 13:51 - Mixing - (174320)
Timestamp 34:32 - Fail RP - Saying that he's looking for my identification, instead searched and confiscated my stuff even before giving me a lawyer.
Timestamp 35:28 - Mixing (Saying POV instead of bodycam - ID: 153549)
Timestamp 29:35 - Corruption (Fail RP) - Ramming a 10-15 with his vehicle even though I am supposed to be safe in leo's hands. (ID 168225)
Timestamp 29:42 and 31:36 - Fail RP - (Dragging me without mentioning in chat/Voice - 175406)
Timestamp 48:47 - Promoting Corruption/Fail RP (Saying they are allowed to and can beat/torture me in the cell - 167881)​
At Time stamp 53:12 ooc insulted in non rp radio which counts in gr3.1
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