Dear Admin Team
I have uploaded forum ( forum 1 )this id did rule break first rule (MG) . and (GZ 1.1 )and ( PG )
See in the video ( proof 1 )
at 00:45 ID :3032 DO (PG) WHEN HE WAS IN cuff hand HE get im him personal car
and at 2:13 HE DO (MG) Because HE TELL HIM FRINDES INFO WHEM HE WAS IN CUFF and him friends really comen with weapon and he ready to Shoot
AND ID: 67258 AND 62276 AT 2:13 do (MG) AND (GZ 1.1 ) As you see They Come AND SHOOT IN GREEN ZONE
I would like to say that it is not fair to Rejected my forum because i have drop frame in video
and that because i use recording software and it records all overlays.
and i dont see in Rules for filing a complaint
role says the admin has the right to refuse if u have ((Laggy ))