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Rejected Personal Biography | Knight Nexus | 170500

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Miles stone

Jul 30, 2024
Name: knight nexus
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Dark brown
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Los santos, groove street
Sexuality: Straight
Weight: 67
Height: 5.8
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Right hand
Strengths: Confident, responsible, hardworking
Weakness: Addicted to drugs and alcohol

Life Story:
Knight was born in groove street. some might think its not a good coz that place because of gangs and drugs. But knight loved that place as he was born there with his single mother and all the hardship they endured. his mother worked in chucky bell to feed him after his father died in a gang fight. so for that reason his mother never wanted his son to be a gangster but the think is u become what u see because all the friends knight had in school was about to become wated criminals in future and he started stealing and taking drungs at a very young age. Once he became addicted to drugs the only thing that mattered in his life was money and alcohol. When he started growing up his crimes started growing also from robbery to selling info to different orgs, selling drugs, killing, etc.

after so many years of crime one day on police chase he while he was overspeeding he accidently killed his aged mom who was going back to home after her shift from chucking bell. It was a turning event for him. While dying his mom's last words were to leave his father's shadow. Then he realized that he was going though the same path as his father did thats why this happend. After that he surrendered himself and got into prison. There he found a guy he knew, a cop who was from the same place groove street. That cop told him you choose what you want to become. Then after completing his prison time he came back but as a good guy with intention to make this city better with all his experience and skills he accuired during fights. He left his life of killing but his love for money and drugs remained as some things never changes.

1. Knight can easily drive cars (except super cars) on rough roads without breaking any RP.

2. Knight can carry a hidden, waterproof ballistic camera in his pocket 24/7 & doesn’t need to refresh it.

3.Knight offer to become a citizen hostage for a maximum of $50k and a LEO hostage for a maximum of $50k.

4. Knight can offer to provide information to Illegal organization and legal organization about each other for bribes

5.Sneaky has no fear of 2 guns, which means when people try to rob him, they need least 3 people pointing guns at him (but he will fear for his life if that situation requires).

6.Knight can recognize anyone by their clothes and voice (without breaking MG by looking at their ID)

7.Knight can Fly a Heli in very Professional manner, can land Heli in congested areas because of Pilot Experience.

8. Knight can recognize a gang just by their color of the clothes.

9. Knight always have a hidden radio with him 24/7.

10.Knight can pick up any weapon from the ground and use it for his own defense (not in any active gunfight & by following the rules)

Del Federal

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Dec 19, 2022
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