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Devansh Marwadi

Jul 26, 2024
Organization: SAHP

Name: Devansh Marwadi
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Blue
Tattoos: Multiple across body
Strengths: Handling a weapon, professional
Weakness: Impatient, easily angry

Life Story:
Devansh was Born in Los santos, Vice City. But was born into a Poor Family that were trying their best to support him and the other siblings Devansh had, But as parents were away all the time working 24/7 and only coming back at night, Devansh was being bullied the most by the other siblings he was living with and the parents knew nothing about it cause they were tired constantly cause of their work schedule. So 1 Night Devansh decided to leave the Family forever not coming back, but as he left the house and started walking on the streets of Los santos he was kidnapped by a Van and sped off. As time went by Devansh was sold to a notorious gang in Los Santos , But they made him an actual fighter by taking him from the other gang, So as he kept being trained by the others and being well trusted in the gang from other members, they all voted Devansh to be the Next gang boss and make it better. But a few years went by as Devansh was relaxing in his gang Warehouse of their weaponry, SAHP S.W.A.T and FIB Spec Ops raided the place and arrested Devansh Marwadi, But they didn't want to arrest a person with potential, so they made him an offer, Join SAHP with a new background or Get a life sentence. So as Devansh had no other choice he decided to join SAHP to safe himself.

Career Story:
So as Devansh joined SAHP, he was thinking it might be hard to betrusted by the other Officers in the Department, But he was wrong and everyone liked him the way he was and the things Devansh did for the SAHP cause of his experience, So days going by Devansh was being Trained by the highest command in SAHP and especially by S.W.A.T Operatives cause they want him to help them the most of what happened at the Warehouse. By 1 Year going by Devansh was promoted to a Higher rank that he can be and was trusted by the whole department because of his work he has put into for SAHP, But on the side Devansh was dealing with other Legal organizations and Gangs and their members of the gangs in a Corrupt way to help more for the SAHP, So as well for the Money of course to release anyone with a bit of payment they can do or arrest them with full charges. So Devansh will be working in the shadows, ruining plans for gangs.


1. Devansh can torture and Interrogate People for information.

2. Devansh can destroy devices like bodycam and radios and can find hidden ones with ( /try 2 times per situation ) and /do Commands.

3. Devansh can take bribes up to ( 100K and Guns ) To help people escape.

4. Devansh can do criminal activities. For example, go to the ghetto and ghetto clap, buy, sell, or use any type of illegal items and weapons. ( no ORG gears included )

5. Devansh can take contracts or start random prison breaks. ( with Darknet task or using USB 1 time daily )

6. Devansh has the same ability to frighten and disrespect anyone as gang members do (Keeping in mind toxicity, Gen 6.10 and 6.19)

7. Devansh can lie about the request of a lawyer and not show his ID to any suspect.

8. Devansh can let suspects go free if they're in his family or his friends and can also aid them in escaping.

9. Devansh can leak or gain any type of information from anyone.

10. Devansh can break IC Laws and able to use his position in SAHP.

Sultan Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Mar 12, 2022

Outcome 3: (Cant Force Him For Weapons)
Outcome 4
: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16,GH 1.8, SR 5.5)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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