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Footy Mage

Aug 11, 2024
Organization: GOV

Footy Mage
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Arkansas
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Torso, Both Arms both legs
Strengths: Good Leadership Qualities, Dedicated
Weakness: Short temper, picky

Life Story: (100-250 Words)
Footy was born in a small southern town in Arkansas full of corruption. His parents were two farm hands that struggled making sure that there was food on the table, but Footy was always proud to see how much hard work they put into raising him and his many siblings in a town that his last name determined his future. He knew that if he didn't get out of here, he would be stuck doing the same as his parents. Footy grew up seeing the small town ran by crime ridden cops who were very well versed in the good ol' boy tactics in law enforcement. If your last name held weight, the law didn't abide to you. Footy felt he needed a change and knew his last name would never ever allow that to happen here. Hell bent and determined to leave behind the small town tragedies, Footy set out for something larger, an opportunity to determine the laws for Los Santos.

Career Story: (100-350 Words)
Footy started out his career in Los Santos guarding the prison. He spent many months getting to know each and every criminal coming and going from the department of corrections. He knew being from such a small town with little to no rules would make it rather difficult to get ahead in a city as large as Los Santos. He studied the law and made sure he was the top of his class to make it into the government building as quick as possible. Footy had a hard time trusting his peers, he kept to himself mostly to make sure his temper and weaknesses were never used against him. Working at the prison, Footy learned which crime lords ran the city and which ones were bystanders. He made a lot of contacts, he always had the thought in the back of his head about becoming a larger criminal than the cops back home. Even with his lone wolf personality, his work did not go unnoticed. He was promoted to Chief of Staff in IA. He began to feel power and control. Building his contacts, he knew there was a way to make good money from his new position. One day Footy decided to use his power and knowledge to begin to take bribes from the criminals he had booked so many times. Not only was he beginning to understand the good ol boy tactics, but how to use them as well. He set out for a life of law-abiding.. crime.

1 -Footy can take bribes (up to 100k).

2 -Footy can lie about calling a lawyer and refuse to provide any type of identification.

3 -Footy can smash and break bodycams. ( /try 2 times per situation )

4 -Footy can intimidate/torture people on/off-duty if they don’t want to follow his demands. (No killing)

5 -Footy can let suspects go free if they're in his family or his friends and can also aid them in escaping.

6 -Footy can leak information to criminals in exchange for money or favors.

7 -Footy can participate in any criminal activities with his family.(Highway Robberies, Store Robberies, etc)

8 -Footy can sell, buy or use any type of weapons for his personal safety and profit. ( exception, org weapons )

9 -Footy can frighten and disrespect anyone as gang members do. (Keeping in mind toxicity, Gen 6.10 and 6.19)

10 -Footy can rob/pickpocket 10-15s if brought to a undisclosed location (Only within RP reasons and according to server rules.)

Peren Hill

Nov 14, 2022

Outcomes 7- You can use personal stuff while attending highway robberies. Using org gear for personal use not allowed.
Outcomes 10- No UB drive.

BIO is approved. Enjoy and follow rules.
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