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Rejected Loyal Familia | Unofficial Organization

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won ton

Apr 2, 2022
Family Name: Loyal Familia
Family owner: Discord: Wontons0up#2144
Family house: Number: 982
Family owner: Name and ID: Won Ton #114863
Family owner: Forum profile: Won Ton

Family History:

The story of loyal familia starts In Sicily in 1990. We focus on Won who is a Vietnamese immigrant to Sicily. Won arrived at around the same time a mass immigration from Sicily was happening. People and local saw no future in Sicily and no opportunities to pursue, Gang culture very quickly rose and everyone was at war with everyone. Won being a Vietnamese immigrant was classed as a minority. He found himself in a city surrounded by no friends and no opportunities. Won was hard, he had a hard life. His tribulations made him stronger, stronger than anyone thought possible especially the other gang bosses! Wons first run in was with the la cosa notre. The leader had made it clear Won was to be taxed, Won had never paid another man to exist and he never would. Tensions quickly rose as wave after wave of gang member was sent to bring Won in never to return. The boss of la cosa notre realised Won was not your ordinary worker. The boss had tried a different approach and tried to befriend Won instead. Won was not born yesterday and knew the plan before the boss did. Won spent weeks reversing the bosses plans. He waited for the perfect opportunity and ised the boss's plan to get close to him. Now the boss was removed the workers were lost and Won knew what this felt like. He suggested that the loyal workers should come with him and he would lead them through to riches. The loyal familia was born, from a group of lost workers with no leader Won came and siezed power. His promise was riches, and he delivered but with the growth came new bills. Loyal familia needed to expand their reach and be able to create more revenue from areas they had enemies in. Won arrived in the city looking to build a new loyal family taking only a handful of original members. The family focus is to cement its position in the city, ensure we have the correct reputation and ultimately tap into a new revenue stream. Money is the focus and disloyalty is punished severely.

Family Goals:

Profitable organization for members of the family through business ownership

ensure no gun is untrained and every member of the family is a deadly force

ensure safety from state organizations through bribes and fear

control market areas

A welcoming family for members from all backgrounds with ability to support all career choices.

Family structure:

10. Leader
9. Manager
8. OG
7. Right Hand
6. Shotcaller
5. Hit Squad
4. Sergeant
3. Soldier
2. Trainiee
1. Recruit

Family Rules:

#1 If you are inactive for 2 weeks+ you will get kicked. You're always welcome to come back but we want to be more active. Tell the OG's / RH's if you need to go out of the city for more then 2 weeks, we then put that in the logs so you wont be kicked.
#2 If you get fined with a fam car you will get a car strike and pay the fine, 2 car strikes and you will be put to affiliate for 4 days and will only be able to drive a manchez from the family.
#3 If a fam car gets impounded and the logs show you were driving it you will be giving the affilliate rank immediatly by one of the OG's for 4 days wich include another 4 days of manchez time. If someone else gets the car impounded the punishment will go to the one who takes it out of the garage. You take the car out, you are responsible! Of course again you pay the fines.
#4 The (8) OG will choose people to be their right hand each month, you will get HC status, drive HC cars put some ideas up for discussion and have the power to put people in to place if needed. You can be asked to have a second month if you are showing that you are fit for the job.
#5 If you're not playing by the fam rules you will get striked, also if you talk disrespectfully to HC, if you are actually insulting them ooc you will get kicked and blacklisted. 3 strikes and you will get kicked!
#6 There will be a zero tolerance of racism/discrimination/sexism. A joke is a joke but think before you say things. Try not to hurt one another. This also apply's for ingame names. You will get kicked and blacklisted

Family Logo:


Family clothing:




Select for moderation

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Family was removed on 23/4/2022, Reapply in 7 Days.​
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