- Joined
- Jul 12, 2024
- Messages
- 38

1- My name IRL : Raheel
2- My age IRL : 17
3- Time zone : GMT+5 Pakistan
4- Average online per day : 4 to 5 Hours
5- My Discord : jemmzy
6- My Nickname : JeMMzyy Diaz
7- My ID : 66191
Additional info:-
I Want to Apply for the Leadership Of Los Santos Police Department.
1. Why I want to Be the leader of LSPD:-
a. First Of all I would Like to Tell the Biggest Reason which makes me think that i am ready to step up and become the leader of LSPD, I have been in this city for more than a year now and during this time i have gained enough knowledge to lead an organization successfuly. I have worked in Different Organizations including LSPD and i have always tried to Know More and More about the procedures and principals of all State orgs and specially LSPD. Now I want to Implement this Knowledge and Experience as a leader on LSPD. Not only OOC but i do have a great knowledge of IC Laws and legislation as i have served as a DCJ as well for the city of los santos, So i Know Almost everything related to legislation and specially about the ethics of LEOs. As a Leader I Will take the responsibility to Finish any kinds of MisHaps And Confussions bieng occured Among the State Orgs.
b. Now I can't Promise that no one from my org will break any State Rule, But What i can do is that i will make such an effective System of recruitment that everyone who comes to join LSPD will have to go through a re-designed interviewing system, since everyone knows about the current interview systems so he bypasses that easily even with negligible knowledge. There will be Consistent Training Sessions for all the new comers and They will be told about all the Important rules of State so that we can minimize the Amount of Rule Breaks. After the HR, The IA will be held responsible to deal with any kind of confussions among Org members, and IA will Consistently Check the Bodycams of everyone to make sure that everyone is doing well. And We will also Try to keep our Relations Strong with all other legal Orgs in order to Make a Strong State which can reflect any kind of Crime. It will be my Job to Make sure that I hire the Most Experienced People for HR and IA department, Because i think that Other Departements and operations come later, First We have to be Strong enough Internally that no one can make a complain related to any of our fellow. We will Make strong Relation With Gov as well for better Funds and we will Focus on completing all the provided tasks. IA will make sure that we are Ready 24/7 For a State inspection.
c. One of the primary responsibility of the LSPD is to ensure the safety and security of the citizens of Los Santos. I am deeply committed to this mission and believe that effective leadership is crucial in creating a safer environment for everyone. If i become the leader of LSPD i will Make sure that My officers are Consistently Patrolling around the City and are Responding to Any Kind of 911 Calls, There will be Tickets For those who don't Follow the City Laws Whether in the form of Speeding or Parking, We will Arrest Each And Every Single Terrorist in our Jurisdiction. I would Like to make the City Feel as safe as it used to be during the Golden Terms of Mr Akio.
2. Some advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:-
a) To use all departments actively and effectively.
b) To activate the hierarchy among officers and superiors.
c) To ensure that all officers and supervisors communicate respectfully towards the public and within the department.
d) Our Policy Will be Protect and serve!
e) To ensure the effective use of the SWAT team in operations.
f) I always make sure to put time and effort in helping every officer when they need it and I explain them things in such a precise and clear way that they can understand them.
g) I want to make LSPD a good experience for everyone that joins it. I will promote the organization and help to hire a lot of new officers in LSPD.
Chain Of Command:-
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief
28. Operations Commander
27. Legal Advisor
26. Chief of staff
25. Head of department (HOD)
24. Supervisor
-------- HIGH COMMAND RANKS --------
22. Assistant Commissioner
21. Executive Officer
20. Inspector
19. SWAT Handler
18. SWAT Agent III
17. SWAT Agent II
16. SWAT Agent I
15. SHO
14. Corporal III
13. Corporal II
12. Corporal I
11. Incharge Officer
10. Senior Officer III
9. Senior Officer II
8. Senior Officer I
7. Patrol Officer III
6. Patrol Officer II
5. Patrol Officer I
4. Probation Officer
3. Under Training
2. LOA
1. Suspended
21. Executive Officer
20. Inspector
19. SWAT Handler
18. SWAT Agent III
17. SWAT Agent II
16. SWAT Agent I
15. SHO
14. Corporal III
13. Corporal II
12. Corporal I
11. Incharge Officer
10. Senior Officer III
9. Senior Officer II
8. Senior Officer I
7. Patrol Officer III
6. Patrol Officer II
5. Patrol Officer I
4. Probation Officer
3. Under Training
2. LOA
1. Suspended