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Abdullah khan007

Dec 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Abdullah
2. Your IRL age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:00
4. Average online per day: 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord: alqaida
6. Your Nickname: Sameer mandem
7. Your ID: 28505

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1- I Want To Be a Leader of LSPD because I have a lot of experience in the city and after spending a lot of time in state as also a member of gang i have experienced the whole Roleplay City .

2.2- Since i started grand rp i experienced many things and a great impression. The Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) is the frontline of law enforcement and often the first group new members join. To me, the LSPD is more than an organization; it's a family I deeply value and am dedicated to strengthening. My goal is to help build a Nice Department and to help the Rp life and citizens so they can also coperate with us .

2.3- I plan to set up a dedicated Parking Enforcement and Towing division with volunteers focused on towing and issuing parking fines. This will allow our officers to concentrate on key tasks such as nt.
Like Atm robbery and like Emergency calls i will make strict orders to respond to Emergency calls .
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level
I will inprove RP as much as i can i will try my best and to reduce the amout of Fail rp and power gaming in my org and also improve the Traffic in city no unrealistic driving . and many more .

3.1 ParkingEnforcement Units ( PEU ) - it is your responsibility to maintain everything towing and keep the streets clean. Assist with the towing of newer towers and towers that may be in trouble. There would be a high amount of units in this division.

3.2-Human Resource ( HR ) - to set up and staff to assist in training any new members or old members who need a refresher. And to Hire much Units and to maintain department Mails and IC work and they are very important for citizens.

3.3-Head of Anti Terrorism Squad ( ATS ) - Should he choose to accept, he will be the head of ATS, in command of swat procedures, protocol, and members. Head of ATS and the Deputy head of ATS will take the lead in any store robbery or hostage situation.

3.4-Head of Gang Intelligence Agency ( GIA ) - where he will develop a strong UC skill with the other members of the Detective departments. Also, with Fib's consent, we will meet once a week for a meeting of the minds to talk over evidence that can assist us get fresh leads and methods of doing so, which we will subsequently teach to the other swat members.

3.5 -IA ( Internal Affairs ) - the position will entail email presences where issues within the org will be brought forward and will need to demonstrate a professional matter when handling professional misconducts and so forth. If any member of org need assistance IA department will help and try their best .

==Chain Of Command==

30- Chief of Police
29- Deputy Chief of Police
28- Chief of Staff
27- Commander
26- Head of Department
25- Deputy Head of Department
23- Supervisor
22- Inspector
|====== High command ======|
21- Sub-Inspector
20- Lieutenant
19- Captain
18- Major
17- Constable
16- Swat
15- Head moarer
14- Moarer
13- Master Sergeant
12- Senior Sergeant
11- Sergeant
10- Master Corporal
9- Senior Corporal
8- Corporal
7- Master Patrol Officer
6- Senior Patrol Officer
5- Patrol Officer
4- Rookie
3- Trainee
2- Leave of Absence (LOA)
1- Suspended

Regards Sameer Mandem

Spike Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Oct 5, 2022

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