Hi Respected Higher Admins
Jonny odds. Alex Odd, Mohammad Pluxury and Lebron Pluxury
I hope you all are doing well, Im making an appeal after a month of my ban. My main and twink account was permanently banned Before 1 month for Genaral Rules 1.8 ( Main to Twink BP sharing ). I gift him bp from my twink to my friend main and from his twink to my main. i dont knew that it will also go for Genaral Rules 1.8. I had also did GR 1.7 what i got to know when we didnt knew any rules. Its my first time ban. Im so sorry for the actions and im guarantee you it was not intentional. please consider lifting my ban as a last chance. im giving sureity that no more rules will be break by me. I will never do this stupdity again. please accept my apology. i accept wipe or any other punishments. I hope you will give me a chance to play with my mates on this New year.
Thanks for reading
Merry Christmas
Jonny odds. Alex Odd, Mohammad Pluxury and Lebron Pluxury
I hope you all are doing well, Im making an appeal after a month of my ban. My main and twink account was permanently banned Before 1 month for Genaral Rules 1.8 ( Main to Twink BP sharing ). I gift him bp from my twink to my friend main and from his twink to my main. i dont knew that it will also go for Genaral Rules 1.8. I had also did GR 1.7 what i got to know when we didnt knew any rules. Its my first time ban. Im so sorry for the actions and im guarantee you it was not intentional. please consider lifting my ban as a last chance. im giving sureity that no more rules will be break by me. I will never do this stupdity again. please accept my apology. i accept wipe or any other punishments. I hope you will give me a chance to play with my mates on this New year.
Thanks for reading
Merry Christmas