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Jun 13, 2021
Family Name: FrolickzFam
Family owner name and ID : Itz Frolickz ID:14514
Family House Number: 58
family owner forums profile link :https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/14514/
Family Head Discord: ItzFrolickz#3680

We are a group of friends who love cars and want to live our lives in Los Santos to the fullest. All of our brothers and sisters have been in different organizations from LSPD to FIB and into some of the gangs. Things were going well before Orgs started to get disbanded and we lost our jobs. We then decided to become a unit ourselves and start a family! We allow anyone who wants to join in and they will earn rewards/promotions for helping out in events throughout the city. Many of have great leadership quality's which will help push our family up in this city and make us known to all. Becoming an unofficial org would allow us to earn more $$$ and make this family better for anyone who joins!!

What we do on a daily basis?? On the legal side of things we had many people in the LSPD and FIB. We were in High Command Positions and we would do good work throughout the city. As LSPD was disbanded a lot of us have gone over to the illegal aspects of the city. We do kidnappings and theft outside the city along with robbing stores when we can. Some of us have some great connections with people in other organizations who can help us out with certain things.

(Updated) Family Owner Info/Backstory -
I was born and raised in Eastern Europe and moved to Los Santos when i was in my early 20's. My parents didn't have much money we were living paycheck to paycheck struggling to make ends meat.. I decided to move to LS because of the opportunities in the city. When I first arrived I needed a steady source of income so I joined the Los Santos Police Department. I met many people who I became very close with and we worked to rise through the ranks to eventually get to a point where we were partially running the entire organization!! I was able to save up tons of money after working there for a while I decided to purchase my first house in Vespucci! I also purchased my first car a Mazda RX-7. That car is what made me fall in love with cars so I started to spend more and more money on cars and modifications for them slowly growing my collection. I played the lottery opened crates and messed around with the stock market and managed to purchase a new apartment in the city and grow my collection of cars even more totaling out to a $78,000,000 car collection(Video Linked Below). After spending about two decades working in the LSPD myself and a few of my friends decided to part ways with the Organization and move on to better things. We all went down different routes throughout the city but still managed to stay together and started a family. In the beginning it was tough getting off the ground but we got some people to join us and we realized that this family could turn out to be something amazing. Time passed and now our family has close to 100 brothers and sisters who all share the same interests as one another. My car collection has now grown to over $250,000,000 not including a Luxury Helicopter and two stunning Yachts. We are a strong family and we all have each others backs along with helping out new recruits who want to join the the family. We plan to grow our family exponentially along with competing with some of the other large families to make our selves well known throughout the city. We will eventually purchase a new house in a more secluded area in the city along with growing our car collection even more. I'm still in shock from how far I've come. Remembering that I was just a kid living in a small town on the other side of the world with no money, no friends and no purpose to now becoming one of the richest men in the city of Los Santos along with having nearly 100 brothers and sisters by my side.

Our Goal...

Is to have the best car collection in the city featuring exotics, muscle cars and many more. Along with becoming the best family for people who just fly in we will help get them ready to go out into this city because as many of us know this city is a lot to handle if you don't know what you are getting into. We want everyone who joins our family to know that we have each others backs and will never leave anyone behind. Another one of our main goals will be to train recruits to become experienced car thieves like the rest of us.

Bulbasaur - New Recruit
Squirtle - Trusted to help us in events
Charmander - gets access to better cars
Venasaur - helping out the new members and has the ability to recruit
Blastoise - Highly trusted and gets access to even nicer cars
Charzard - ^
Pikachu - ^
Palkia - ^
Dialga - 2nd in command
Arceus - Head of Family

$78,000,000 Car Collection -
$160,000,000 Car Collection -

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021

I accept your unofficial ORG bio thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules and don't go aganist the server scripts.
you will given unofficial status within 24 hours ingame and discord.
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