I got banned for to long revo skin in a pov request. Some hours after the event i played in wich i got the pov request, i got a pc check and there there admin with i was in the pc check said that the revolver skin is ok to play.
i think it woukd be resoneble to unban me when even your pc checkers say that the revolver skin is ok to play.( the pc checker who said it was ok was Raik Broody
Here is the ling of the pov request:Reviewed - Pov Req I 0000
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i think it woukd be resoneble to unban me when even your pc checkers say that the revolver skin is ok to play.( the pc checker who said it was ok was Raik Broody
Here is the ling of the pov request:Reviewed - Pov Req I 0000
Thank you for reading