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Yuvi Mark

May 19, 2024
Organization: NG

Name: Yuvi Mark
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Race: Hindu
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Maharashatra
Sexuality: Straight
Weight: 70kg
Height: 6.2ft
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Both hands
Strengths: Combat,Teamwork, Driving skills
Weakness: Emotional

Life story:-

Yuvi Mark was born in 2006 in a Small village name Nagothane in Maharashtra, India. His father was a businessman, on his 15th birthday, he decided that he is not suitable for follow his father's footsteps and become a businessman. Then he decided to leave his house and after completing his study his left his house.

Then he went to Los Santos after reaching Los Santos he meet a guy name Rocky , rocky introduced him to his friend . They all were in gangs so Yuvi also joined them and started doing criminal activity. Slowly he started becoming the most wanted criminal of los santos.

One day he was returning to his house he got ambushed by the lspd and got arrested. He got prison term of 75 month . While he was in prison he meet billu boxer ,billu told him there is no future in gangs. After completing his prison term, Yuvi decided to leave gangster think and become a Leo and leave his life happily.

Career Story:-

Yuvi Mark career in leo started from LSPD he joined as a trainee. After completing his traning he become patrol officer. then he started doing hard work ,his hard work got noticed by his high commands, after few weeks he got promoted to master patrol officer and then he joined the department swat as he was really good in combat . As time past his was become the most brave swat unit. After that he got promoted to the captain of swat, then he started leading all the mission by himself he his done more than 50 hostage suitation. then he become the COS of Swat, Then he tried to make the swat department best in lspd.

As the time past he think to leave and LSPD and join SAHP as he friend were in SAHP he went there, He became US.Marshal in SAHP.As he has past experience he easily get the rank. Yuvi showed the same spirit and work hard, He achieved the success and was leaving a happy life.

As he gain the experience in LSPD and SAHP he Think to join FIB, Then he took a transfer from Sahp to FIB. He got hired and become the junior agent in FIB, As Yuvi was experience in LSPD and SAHP he easily completed his training and become Elite SSA agent and worked for FIB for 1year.

After spending 1year in fib Yuvi think's to join NG as one of his friend become the general he took transfer from Fib to NG as he has experience in all Leo org he easily get Lt.colonel rank . After spending some time in NG Yuvi get's a call from his old friends Rocky who asked for a internal information and also offer some money . Yuvi thought I was the nice opportunity to make the money and give them the information and this is how Yuvi Mark one of the best officer started becoming corrupted.

1- Yuvi can take bribes. (up to 100k and illegal items on the suspect)

2- Yuvi can deny and lie about requesting a lawyer and refuse to provide any type of identification to any suspect/lawyer.

3- Yuvi can act like a Criminal. For Example, go for the Ghetto clap, buy, sell or use of illegal stuff (no organization weapons included).

4- Yuvi can start random prison breaks. (with Darknet task or using USB)

5- Yuvi can let suspects go free if they're in his family or his friends and can also aid them in escaping.

6- Yuvi can smash and break bodycams. (/try searches for bodycam) up to twice per situation, and if found, break it (/do breaks bodycam).

7- Yuvi can detain anyone that he wants and can suggest them to give him bribes such as money or their guns to get free. (Including LEOs. With RP Reason and IC reason to arrest/detain)

8- Yuvi can be frighten and disrespectful/rude when talking to other people (keeping in the mind OOC rules, Toxicity, Gen 6.10 and 6.19)

9- Yuvi can break IC Law including: CCOP, Firearm Law, Penal Code, Procedure for Detention (Keeping in mind the OOC consequences)

10- Yuvi can leak/get any type of useful internal information to /from anyone.

Kira Hill

Jan 7, 2023

1- 100k value
4- Rejected no random breaks
6- Yuvi can smash and break bodycams. (/try searches for bodycam) up to twice per situation, and if found, break it (/do breaks bodycam).
9- Yuvi can break IC Law including: CCOP, Firearm Law, Penal Code, Procedure for Detention (Keeping in mind the OOC consequences)
10- No OOC
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