Dear Bobby, Floki and Adham Sir,
I got ban for ER 1.7. Actually it was too late our place so as soon as the event ended i slept and on morning i should go to college so i cannot provide my bodycam.
Here's my POV of that event. As u can see in POV that Green grass has been shown in it As soon as i see that i thought it is a bug so i left the circle as soon as i see it. i have no idea about it.
Thank you sir, I will respect your decision anything You take.
I got ban for ER 1.7. Actually it was too late our place so as soon as the event ended i slept and on morning i should go to college so i cannot provide my bodycam.
Here's my POV of that event. As u can see in POV that Green grass has been shown in it As soon as i see that i thought it is a bug so i left the circle as soon as i see it. i have no idea about it.
Thank you sir, I will respect your decision anything You take.