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Poyraz NeedBolt

NeedBolt Founder
Aug 25, 2024
Organization: San Andreas Highway Patrol

Name: Poyrazz Monroe

Gender: Male
Age (IC): 26
Nationality: Turk
Place of Birth: Turkiye
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: White and black
Tattoos: Legs Torso Neck Arms and face
Strengths: Good driver & Skilled Shooter
Weakness: Vengeful

Life Story:
Poyraz was born in Turkey in 2003 and his father and mother was so agressive to him and they were hitting him always when they were drunk. His nickname was "Jinx" and he started doing illegal activity and he Killed who camed out to his job and he mercilessly killed his enemies and he took hostages a lot from the The Ballas Gang. He Tought he can be the godfather of all gangs and he started to what he want to like he killed his enemies with an unmercy eyes and he was so cold bloodedness and he made what he wanted but he started to get tired of this and he leaved the illegality and joined to SAHP and he started to rob his 10-15s he took a lot of 10-15s and he took their 100k`s and their guns also he started that company and he started doing with his old friends and he was making a lot of money he bought a villa and a lot of cars in his garage and he understood what he want to make and he continued his life by repeating it.

Career Story:
Poyraz started his illegal life with the Families Gang and he always robs his enemies and citizens also. He was doing well until he made a mistake he accidently killed a lot of Families Gang members and Families Gang leader kicked him out of the Families Gang. He stoped joining gang and he want to make a different choose and he went to the Federal Investigation Breu and he did his job well for 3 years and he bored of city life and he has gone to the SAHP and he continued as a Traffic Cop.

1.Poyraz can take bribes (Up to 100k)
2.Poyraz can carry, use, sell and buy illegal items from other people or black market (except organization weapons and items) (Of course while being off-duty)
3.Poyraz can release his Friends / family if he wants to
4.Poyraz can refuse to show his ID or provide a lawyer to a 10-15
5.Poyraz can smash and destroy bodycams if found (by providing proper rp and using the /try /do commands.2 Times per situation)
6.Poyraz can become a hostage for a bribe of 100k maximum due to the crimanls he met while he was working for National Guards long time.
7.Poyraz can Torture / threaten 10-15s to get more information about specific information
8.Poyraz can inject suspects within his custody with truth serum to get specified information about them(/try times per situation)
9.Poyraz can take contracts and start / help a prison break. ( with darknet task or using usb)
10.Poyraz can do criminal activities. For example, go to the ghetto and ghetto clap, buy, sell, or use any type of illegal items and weapons. ( no ORG gears included )
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