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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected a guy requested to ban me-Mazhor Pluxury

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Pablo Devil
Administrators nickname
Mazhor pluxery
May 2, 2022

Pablo Devil

Mazhor pls listen this fourm about a ban requst to banned me For curator of the project - Ban Request I Mazhor Pluxury they tolde me and my familj that they whana fight whit as like familj war and we saidno becuse its rull braking and then they tolde os we will not post any fourm on you we just whana have fun and we said okej then they kill oss everytime att our familj hosue here is one video of them killing os
when they kill os we go and kill them i didnt know that well happen i didnt know they didnt like it anymore becuse like i was friends when it all started but i am really sorry if I break any rul raelly sorry but they tolde os they well not make a fourm report i did it becuse they said for fun or else i well not do it i swear i am really sorry for what i did i really dont whana get banned on this server i play on it every day pls Mazhor this is my only server that i play and i love to play it i dont whana lose it.

And they said that ID: 94823 + 82857 are using more then 1 account we unready gott a punishment from Bobby margiela my friends that was using his friends account the account that he was using gott banned and look at this fourm agin For curator of the project - Ban Request I Mazhor Pluxury In the end they said that i am friend whit id 109586 swear i dont know him i hope i die if i am lying Pls Mazhor i am really sorry i gott noting to do in my life i only have fun and play this server whit my friends pls bro pls i hope you understand what i mean it was them ho asked if we whana have a familj war whit out fourm i tolde them no becuse it was rul breaking and they tolde me they well not post a fourm on os and we well not post on them just for fun like i said i hope you understand what i maen.

I joined this server from a youtube name Mamkalo too have fun whit my friends and i didnt know it well come to this point where i have to say why o joined this server i am really really sorry for everything i did wrong every day i play on this server i have nothing to do i only play this server Mazhor pls dont don't ruin the happiness i am here to have fun and i hope you under stand what i mean and have a nys day Mazhor pluxery.
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