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May 12, 2021
State Organization: Fib
Name: Jay Cartier
Age: 84
Nationality: United kingdom
Place of Birth: London
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: White Hair color: White
Tattoos: Multiple Tattoos all over body
Strengths: Leadership skills , communication skills , good shooter, good driver
Weakness: Anger issues

Life Story:
Jay Cartier was born in a very small city in the United kingdom, Jay life was really a struggle as many kids have bullied him, punched him, and way more causing Jay to be in the hospital every month. On his way of growing up his dream was to become a FIB agent to stop all the negative stuff from happening to other kids like Jay. Jay also had a big brother by the name Bob Hill his brother was in a lot of criminal activities which Bob Hill will come home late night every single day. One day Jay big brother ask Jay to help him carry some ammo inside his truck. On the way loading the truck a blue gang by the name marabunta pass by his neighbor hood and caught Jay Cartier and Bob hill loading ammo into the truck where they do a drive by killing bob due to a bullet wound in his neck. That day is when jay wanted to seek revenge and finally join LSPD to put away criminals and hurt the them.

Career Story:
Through out Jay Cartier career he was working as a LSPD janitor for about 6 months on his way growing up in the force he has learned a lot about the academy of LSPD. Jay Cartier still wanted to pursuit his dreams of becoming a FIB agent but the effort wasn't there yet, Jay Cartier was making very well relationships with everyone in the force making him final patrol officer 1 able to do special missions with LSPD. Jay was learning a lot about the streets and how everything was, 2 years later FIB has finally notice his hard work will he will transfer to FIB making him leave United kingdom to go to Los Santos the moment he left Jay still wanted to seek revenge on every single criminal and wanted to hurt them once and for all

1) Jay can take bribes (up to $100,000 and guns/ammo/illegal stuff ) and rob (Pickpocket).
2) Jay can deny and lie about calling a lawyer and lie about his name /refuse to provide any type of identification
3) Jay can remove people‘s criminal background or from wanted list for a bribe (up to 100k or weapons equivalent to it).
4) Jay can cuff, torture and break bodycam of other LEOs to save his friends, family members or to save some foreigners that he feels sad for them. ( no targeting or PG)
5) Jay can leak information to criminals in exchange for money or favours.
6) Jay is able to attempt to search for a bodycam (using the /try command twice per situation), and if found, break it (/do Breaks bodycam).
7) Jay can arrest someone for fake charges/capture them if he severely dislikes them, or for revenge. (within sufficient RP reasons, and nothing too severe)
8) Jay can remove/change suspects prison sentence and give less or more fines
9) Jay can use truth serum on suspects to gain information from everyone. ( with /try command 2 times every rp )
10) Jay can do criminal activities. For example, go to the ghetto and ghetto clap, buy, sell, or use any type of illegal items and weapons. ( no ORG gears included )

Spike Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Oct 5, 2022

Make sure to follow server rules and limits listed below, if listed. Bio will become automatically invalid if you change your name.
Holders of a biography cannot have a lawyers license, cannot be deputy of an organization and cannot be in HR/IA of any organization.

Outcome 1 - Limited to 100k total
Outcome 3 - Limited to 100k total
Outcome 4 - Limited to family members, foreigners rejected. To break bodycam use /try for search and /do for breaking it, Limited to twice per situation
Outcome 5 - Only IC leaks & Limited to 100k total, considering it is a bribe for information.
Outcome 6 - Limited to twice per situation
Outcome 9 - Limited to twice per situation
Outcome 10 - No org weapons/gear for personal use or for sale. Not allowed to participate in actual criminal events (e.g. store robbery)
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