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Aug 11, 2023
Organization: LSPD
Name: Azouz Wanted
Gender: Male
Age: 62
Nationality: Moroccan
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Tattoos: Right and left arm, left arm, and left foot
Stays calm during stressful situations
Friendly to other employees
Always trying to help
Can take responsibility
Doesn't like to be provoked

Azouz's Story:
Azouz was born in Los santos in slums and raised as a Man by hes dad who always faught agains criminals because he was a Cop. During hes studues Azouz was not the best student but he was clevar and always found a way to cheat the system at 20 years old hes Dad died and thats when Azouz Started to lose himself leading him to join gangs and doing illegal activities. One day he was getting arrested by a man and that man felt that Azouz needed help so he let him go and took hes contact. After 6 months Azouz was able to join LSPD and thats when all begun

After serving in LSPD for 2 years Azouz chnaged hes Organization to FIB in order for him to experience being undercover work. He loved FIB but he could not forget LSPD so he rejoined LSPD after 4 years in FIB. Hes profetionalism and experience was well knowed in city and hes kidness made him a public figure and a source of motivation to young Kids and let me saw that when Azouz is on dutty the city is clean
Career Story:
Azouz accumulated a ton of experience serving in legal orgs for now more than 11 years he became a good shooter and Can arrest up to 5 peoples a day like water
He was once a leader of SAHP and twice Temp in Both LSPD and PD wich means that hes a man who can take responsability and Can lead a whole org alone But Azouz have a lot of friends that help him Make running the org more smothly. Azouz served as a HC in all Orgs accept Gov because he didnt got the chance to but he will soon have be a lawyer.

1-Azouz can sell/buy weapons and drugs (no org stuff).
2-Azouz can go to the ghetto to rob/kill with his friends and family.
3-Azouz can destroy bodycams /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.
4-Azouz can take bribes or take weapons of equal value (up to 100k) (he can't take bribes to be a hostage).
5-Azouz can remove criminals from the wanted list and clear their criminal records.
6-Azouz can lie about requests for a lawyer and refuse to show his ID.
7-Azouz can use illegal items like drugs/weapons while on duty.
8-Azouz can pick up 10-15s guns/ammo and keep them.
9-Azouz can leak info about operations to gangs and take money for it (the recompensation can be discussed with the buyer).
10-Azouz can put a tape on someone's mouth to prevent them from talking. (/Try twice per situation)

Sultan Pluxury

Mar 12, 2022

Outcome 2: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16, GH 1.8, SR 5.5)
Outcome 4: (Cant Force Him for the weapons)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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