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Polly Jon

Apr 1, 2022
Name: Polly Shbz
Gender: She
Age (IC): 27
Race: White
Nationality: Blane Coutu
Place of Birth: Sandy Shores
Sexuality: Streate
Weight: 150
Height: 5,7
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: None
Strengths: Good Driveing Good Moves Team,Work
Weakness: thinking strate docs or walking

Life Story : Was i was come form a strick fam my mom was hard and i was abboused a lot of the age 4-16 as she drank beer all day it was a sad life in sandy are fam was poor and a beet car it can only go 20 per hour we had to stop in the mild of no whare we mostly walk on foot then are school was sandy shool it was bad as home thare was no whare to go at all i was wishing to get a better place then sahp pulld up then arest then i had a lawer then my life turn a arund i saw a good pasen for gov and i want to be a lawer then i start learn the law at 18 it took me over 4 years to read it and lean then i meryd Tensura Shbz then from the case i made a lot of money no im on the rich side then i start a law ferm and start a bissnis calld the 24-7 of sandy then i start to love guns then i got in to guns like ak 47 and i love also reading and chilling!

Outcomes :

1. Because he was a skilled driver in gov and i no whare to go and i was a offf road guy i understud how to drive good but i drive slow off road (No UB driving and No Non-RP driving).

2. Polly Has Exprience in kidnaping i no how to i wuld be in a van in getto and i well kidnap in it to get rid of my strees ( well foull Getto Rules)

3. Polly can inject a special serum of truth to obtain information (Only with /try twice per situation).

4. Polly Can see when some one is lieing and see it but only a 40% off seeing of thare strees leavl

5. Polly can put a tape on someone's mouth to prevent them from talking. (/Try twice per situation)

Sultan Pluxury

Mar 12, 2022

Outcome 1: (Off Road While Using Off Road Cars)
Outcome 2: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16, GH 1.8)
Outcome 4: Rejected

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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