Family Name: fast family
Family Owner: birdi unlus l 23949
Family House Number: 845
Family Owner Discord: bartuunlu#6491
Family Owner Forum Link:
Family History:
I was born in 1997.I had a little brother. We lived happily as a family.My mother is a cook, my father is a woodcutter. 18 years later my brother and I started working as a farmer.We had cows and sheeps.When my mother was kidnapped by the mafia they asked us for money in order to let my mother go.We went to give them the money and pick up my mom.After a while I started to work with the mafia.But they betrayed me and killed my whole family so I got ready to take revenge with my new family.
Family Rules
Family Ranks: Everyone's rank is equal, everyone does their job
Short Term Goals
Family Dress
Family Owner: birdi unlus l 23949
Family House Number: 845
Family Owner Discord: bartuunlu#6491
Family Owner Forum Link:
Grand Role Play | Forum
Family History:
I was born in 1997.I had a little brother. We lived happily as a family.My mother is a cook, my father is a woodcutter. 18 years later my brother and I started working as a farmer.We had cows and sheeps.When my mother was kidnapped by the mafia they asked us for money in order to let my mother go.We went to give them the money and pick up my mom.After a while I started to work with the mafia.But they betrayed me and killed my whole family so I got ready to take revenge with my new family.
Family Rules
- Respect everyone in family
- Have knowledge about server rules and don’t break any server rule
- Be loyal, honest, heartful and respectful
- Don’t be cause problems within our family or between other families
- Don’t embarrass the family’s name
- Obey Leaders orders
Family Ranks: Everyone's rank is equal, everyone does their job
Short Term Goals
- Recruit long term new members to the family.
- Participate in all events which one we can be participate.
- Help every single member of the family being rich, buying business.
- Take part in top 10

Family Dress
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