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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
328592 360352
Players nickname
Nikoloz Walker
Administrators nickname
Jonny Odds
Mar 10, 2025

Nikoloz Walker

Oct 17, 2023
I never been so heartbroken in my life as what happened today, Got banned for 1.8 GR ( Gifting BP ).

Before i'll say anything, I want to describe myself in a few for you, who I am and what I am: My name is Nikoloz, you probably know that! I never break the rules like in GR. I am always as attentive and polite as possible and I am not the kind of person to do anything to might be punished strictly as GR's are.

About my ban: When I bought BP from Twink on Main, I unfortunately didn't know these rules, I don't know when I bought it, probably about 1 year ago, after that, a good person for me told me that, it was forbidden to buy BP from Twink on Main, but I had already bought it and after that I started to get very nervous, but when I didn't got banned , I calmed down, I hoped that I would not get banned, I promised myself that I would not buy BP from Twink on Main again never ever but it happened now.

I know that the rule "GR 1.8 also means that it is forbidden to buy BP by linking your two accounts" Now, I didn't know about this rule before...
I am very disappointed with what happened, I share and regret that this happened, despite the fact that I was banned elsewhere (Discord) for some reason it is not included in my appeal.

Really, i'm regretting my guilt and i don't know who will see this complaint will be Jonny, Alex, Mohammed or someone else, but please listen me, if there is a little chanse to give me a chanse to play again on this server, I promise i will never do anything like this, even now was 9 days GC event i didnt brought anything, i'm trying to don't break any strict ( GR ) rules again i promise.

Even don't necessary to unban twink! But please my main account ( ID 328592 ) i need its important for me, to continue life i'm always having fun, nice game and everything good .

ID 328592 Main
ID 360352 Twink

Thank you so much to reading my complaint, whoever you are i am always respected everyone, respecting everyone and always will respect and never be bad person.

And i dont know ! Jonny ! I swear i wrotte this text by my own hand without any AI or ChatGPT, its for example.
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