I got banned permanently for gifting battle-pass from my twink. I really thought that battlepass can be gifted to our other account. Please check my previous chat with admins. I was a bit log ago. But i asked the admins if it is ok to do that. They said its fine you can gift BP to any one you want. I am playing this project for a long time and spend lot of money and time to this project. Please tell me what i can do to unblock my account. i can do that. I really thought that was ok. I even bought 700gc just before this ban. Thank you for listening. I never did anything that harm this project and never will do. Please do understand that this is a mistake and was not intentional. Please guys i have been with the project for more than 4 years. I didnt know that this was a bannable offense. I only thought the transfering of money and property was bannable. Never thought that gc was part of it. I am really sorry about this. Please give me one chance as i have never done anything like this.