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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
29673, 34575
Players nickname
Shreyansh Yadav
Administrators nickname
Adham Pluxury
Nov 1, 2023


Jan 22, 2024
Please just don't reject my appeal. Just Reed my Full Appeal. I am appealing from my bottom of heart atleast give 1 chance please treat me as a human being and you also think once and give 1 chance🙏 please

I am writing this forum on behalf of shreyansh
im writing this forum with low spirit i hope u understand i just wanted a last chance to play this server because this is my 1 and only game which i played for 1.5 years, im making this forum, because i think bobby or any senior admin will understand .

My main id is 29673 and 2nd id 34575, I was banned on 01/11/2023 in EN3 for project/Admin disrespect. I do that because my fam leader ayush roy who told me how to play the rp and told me all the rules about rp, then suddenly 1 day he got banned because of candy glitch, As he told me all things of rp, as he got banned and i am very emotional person so i was in anger, as I am also a human being, I made a mistake by abusing the server and admins. Now please unban me as everyone get a second chance. I know that you will also get angry on me cuz you made the rp and if someone abused it so dont let them play but i request please unban me it's been almost 2 years since I played the rp, my huge request to unban me. I have grinded alot in my ID's
Now its been almost 2 yrs of not playing grand rp so i feel regret for my words and i do want to continue my rp life so can you please give me second and the last chance. I am really ashamed for my act.

I miss my friends and the fun moments we shared together. Grand RP has been a big part of my daily life, and not being able to play feels like I’ve lost something very important to me.I humbly request you to give me one more chance. I promise to be more responsible and follow all the rules carefully. I understand where I went wrong, and I assure you that I will not repeat my mistakes. All I ask for is an opportunity to prove that I can be a better player and a responsible part of this community.

I am trying to get unban from last 1.5 years, This will not be repeated again, and i give you the assurance. Please take my request as i have invested enough in my id/grand rp. Whatever the decision will be after this forum i upload i will respect your decision.

My Main ID - 29673
My Twink ID - 34575
Someone posted that i am ban evading but it's not true after I got banned I played en2 and en1 for some days after that i didn't played the rp because I wanted to play with my id but it was banned , you can check it
And it's my huge request that please unban me🙏 , please give me second and last chance. If u unban me i will not do a single rule break please let me play en3😔
I'm making this appeal once again after years hoping for any possible chance for me to play en3 again and get unbanned I miss my friends so much and just in general of an RP of EN3 will always stay different from others. I am really sorry and I hope I get an opportunity again to enjoy EN3.

and please unban me in discord : unrealtoofast
& Forums also : Shreyansh Yadav ([email protected])

Thanks For Reading My Appeal
Please Give Me Last Chance and Unban Me,
Shreyansh Yadav.
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