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Rejected Personal Biography | Praful gaitonde | 152620

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Praful gaitonde

Praful gaitonde
Jun 8, 2024
Name: Praful gaitonde
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Race: brown
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Punjab
Sexuality: Straight
Weight: 70kg
Height: 5'11
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Yes
Strengths: Driving and combat
Weakness: short tempered

Life story:

Praful was born in a small town of India in a loving family, his parents worked hard to provide everything to him , they taught him to live with honesty and modesty. but Praful always wanted to live a life better than a small town could offer him so he moved to the USA with nothing but a suitcase which had 2 pair of clothes and dedication of making and living his life better but the life in USA was not easy as he had no experience of any work other than farming as his ancestors were farmers in India so he started working as a farmer in the day time and at night time he used to become a taxi driver and he also learned electrician work as it was giving him chance to be able to live in USA .

But life never stays same as one evening when Praful was driving back to home from the farm he was caught by the gangsters on the highway, they pulled him out of the vehicle and stole all the valuable items he had with all the money he was carrying with him. Praful was furious by it and he realized that he wouldn't be able to live peacefully here if he will not fight back.

That evening Praful didn't go to his house but to the black market to buy ammunition and guns but he had no skill to use the gun so he started training with guns until his aim became better. Praful also learned to drive a car at fast speed and how to control the car properly , not only car but Praful learned to fly helicopter and aeroplanes
Praful then made many good friends which helped him to grow wealthy and soon Praful became a well known person in the city and the gangsters who once robbed him was now feared by him.
Praful now enjoys his life in USA.


1. Praful can carry a hidden, waterproof ballistic camera in his belt 24x7 & doesn’t need to refresh it when respawn or when sent in to hospital also he always have a hidden radio with his 24x7.

2. Praful can easily drive cars (except supercars) on rough roads without breaking any RP.

3. Praful can recognize a gang just by their color of the clothes.

4. Praful can Fly a Heli in very Professional manner, can land Heli in congested areas because of Pilot Experience.

5. Praful can offer to provide information to Illegal organizations and legal organizations about each other for bribes.

6. Praful has no fear of 2 guns, which means when people try to rob him, they need least 3 people pointing guns at him.

7. Praful can recognize anyone by their clothes and voice (without breaking MG by looking at their ID).

8. Praful can lie and make a fake scenario for his lawyer or ems just to spend the time and reduce the time process for him which would help him for avoiding being arrested.

9. Praful can offer to become a citizen hostage for a maximum of $100k and a LEO hostage for a maximum of $100k.

10. Praful can pick up items/guns dropped by people while 10-10, and use them for his own self. (not the org item, and not in a active gun fight)
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