Organization: GOVERNMENT
Name: Thomas Slock.
Gender: Male.
Age: 32.
Nationality: Danish.
Place of Birth: Denmark.
Sexuality: Straight.
Eye colour: Black.
Hair colour: Brown.
Tattoos: Torso, Both arms, Back, Legs.
Strengths: Charismatic, Intelligent.
Weakness: Anger Issues, Impatient, Heavy Smoker.
Life Story:
Born and raised in the cold northern lands of Denmark Thomas has always found himself at odds with authorities, from an early age he would disrespect his teachers and tutors while acting violent towards his fellow students on a whim, a life of petty crime soon followed once he left school traveling across country to avoid his problems until there were no longer any place to turn or hide in his small homeland, fed up with life he decided to change his lifes course and got himself a visa to travel to the United States where he first stayed in Liberty city for a few months before hearing the rumors about Los Santos, a city of dreams where lives could change for the better...Or worse. Determined to find out for himself he traveled across country and settled down, creating a family meeting new people and starting his dream in earnest. Now the time has come to make a name for himself in this strange new land for better or worse.
Career Story:
Having gone through various jobs after arriving in Los Santos Thomas initially turned to a life of petty crime until one day he came across a man bleeding in a ditch next to the road, having provided him with medical attention he then got the inspiration to become a doctor and save lives rather than waste it away in prison, he quickly rose through the ranks due to his charismatic nature and keen intellect and found himself as Deputy of EMS for several terms in a row being highly praised for his hard work and his introduction of a new psychiatric department which he spearheaded with vigour and intensity, sadly his time in EMS came to an abrupt halt due to disagreements with new leadership as they took over and he soon found himself transferred to the National Guard where he was made Major General of the Airforce once more rising the ranks with steely determination and quick wit. Though some time has passed since last he held public office due to a vacation back to Denmark for nearly a year he has now returned to Los Santos to once more set his mark upon the city and spread his influence as far as he can via his new position in Government, determined to let nothing stand in his way of personal prestige and power.
1.Thomas can inject truth serum to know their truths by using /try to inject truth serum (twice per situation).
2.Thomas can search for hidden cameras and microphones and smash them if needed by using /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.
3.Thomas may break IC laws due to his corruption
4.Thomas can rob weapons off an individual he searches if he chooses. (Secluded locations With Sufficient RP and must follow GR 6.16)
5.Thomas can use lethal force on people on duty if they does not comply with him demands. He may also torture/kill people to get info that he wants from them.
6.Thomas can do illegal activities off duty- including being able to go to black market and ghetto.
7.Thomas can take bribes.(Up to 100k or equivalent value in illegal items/weaponry)(cannot take a bribe to be hostage)
8.Thomas can deny/lie about calling an attorney for a suspect in his custody. He may also deny to show identification to protect his privacy.
9.Thomas can give tours or allow the person to cause a jail break if he feels like it.
10.Thomas can pickup guns/sell/ use any sort of illegal weapon/ammunition/body armor as long as they arent from an organization.
Name: Thomas Slock.
Gender: Male.
Age: 32.
Nationality: Danish.
Place of Birth: Denmark.
Sexuality: Straight.
Eye colour: Black.
Hair colour: Brown.
Tattoos: Torso, Both arms, Back, Legs.
Strengths: Charismatic, Intelligent.
Weakness: Anger Issues, Impatient, Heavy Smoker.
Life Story:
Born and raised in the cold northern lands of Denmark Thomas has always found himself at odds with authorities, from an early age he would disrespect his teachers and tutors while acting violent towards his fellow students on a whim, a life of petty crime soon followed once he left school traveling across country to avoid his problems until there were no longer any place to turn or hide in his small homeland, fed up with life he decided to change his lifes course and got himself a visa to travel to the United States where he first stayed in Liberty city for a few months before hearing the rumors about Los Santos, a city of dreams where lives could change for the better...Or worse. Determined to find out for himself he traveled across country and settled down, creating a family meeting new people and starting his dream in earnest. Now the time has come to make a name for himself in this strange new land for better or worse.
Career Story:
Having gone through various jobs after arriving in Los Santos Thomas initially turned to a life of petty crime until one day he came across a man bleeding in a ditch next to the road, having provided him with medical attention he then got the inspiration to become a doctor and save lives rather than waste it away in prison, he quickly rose through the ranks due to his charismatic nature and keen intellect and found himself as Deputy of EMS for several terms in a row being highly praised for his hard work and his introduction of a new psychiatric department which he spearheaded with vigour and intensity, sadly his time in EMS came to an abrupt halt due to disagreements with new leadership as they took over and he soon found himself transferred to the National Guard where he was made Major General of the Airforce once more rising the ranks with steely determination and quick wit. Though some time has passed since last he held public office due to a vacation back to Denmark for nearly a year he has now returned to Los Santos to once more set his mark upon the city and spread his influence as far as he can via his new position in Government, determined to let nothing stand in his way of personal prestige and power.
1.Thomas can inject truth serum to know their truths by using /try to inject truth serum (twice per situation).
2.Thomas can search for hidden cameras and microphones and smash them if needed by using /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.
3.Thomas may break IC laws due to his corruption
4.Thomas can rob weapons off an individual he searches if he chooses. (Secluded locations With Sufficient RP and must follow GR 6.16)
5.Thomas can use lethal force on people on duty if they does not comply with him demands. He may also torture/kill people to get info that he wants from them.
6.Thomas can do illegal activities off duty- including being able to go to black market and ghetto.
7.Thomas can take bribes.(Up to 100k or equivalent value in illegal items/weaponry)(cannot take a bribe to be hostage)
8.Thomas can deny/lie about calling an attorney for a suspect in his custody. He may also deny to show identification to protect his privacy.
9.Thomas can give tours or allow the person to cause a jail break if he feels like it.
10.Thomas can pickup guns/sell/ use any sort of illegal weapon/ammunition/body armor as long as they arent from an organization.