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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Alan Degrey
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Del Federal
Mar 17, 2025


Aug 2, 2024
Good Morning Pablo, I have made a forum for for GR 6.2 which got rejected and the reason was that there was no RP situation goin' on. My first question, what is an RP situation, I went there for getting hired which itself is an RP Situation. Secondly, when he refused to show the passport and I was making him fool and were talking about the consequences he went afk. I waited for him about 15-20 mins or more than it. And at last, there was already an RP goin' on where he was afk. And he was involved in the RP at starting only and he went afk. If it is not an RP scenario then what was it? I called him multiple times and he had already left the RP scenario as he went afk, but it takes time to show sleeping.

About GR 3.2, I have a question or you can concern, do our RP Character has parents? Yes, they do. I referred to them, not his ooc parents, if you will see the POV, there we had a talk about the classified and I said "his father classified him" something like that and I had insulted his RP Parents. And I believe, if it is an IC issue. He may go to the capitol and file a case file about it.


Aug 2, 2024
Lemme clear out, why it was an RP scenario or situation.

I was in an active RP interaction with him when he went AFK. He had already responded IC by saying he left his passport at home. I continued questioning him, but he stopped responding and went AFK without any IC reason. This is a clear that he refused to continue the RP

If someone is involved in RP and suddenly goes AFK without saying anything IC, it is an attempt to forcefully escape RP, which is against the rules according to GR 6.2. I waited 15-20 minutes to give him a chance to return, but he did not. His character was still present, but he had left the RP scenario.

About GR 3.2

My statement about him was purely IC. I was acting as his RP parent, and I only referred to his IC parents, not his real-life relatives. Since IC family relationships exist in RP, this should be treated as an IC matter. If he was offended, the proper way to handle it would be through IC means, such as filing a case file. GR 3.2 is meant to prevent OOC mentions of real life relatives, which I did not do
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