Dear Admin ,
Main Account: 440860
Twink Account: 448551
I got banned for GR 1.8. which is for twink interactions brithday gift.
I know this rule and along with many are in place for a reason and its to make sure the grand rp server keeps up a good community.
over the days that i have been banned i have learned a huge lesson and have had time to re think about things.
I want to apologize to everybody for committing this huge rule break. I spend my free time to play this game project with my friends.
They all wait for me.I wish you will be consider my mistake. Please give one more last chance. I promise you I will never do that again.
Main Account: 440860
Twink Account: 448551
I got banned for GR 1.8. which is for twink interactions brithday gift.
I know this rule and along with many are in place for a reason and its to make sure the grand rp server keeps up a good community.
over the days that i have been banned i have learned a huge lesson and have had time to re think about things.
I want to apologize to everybody for committing this huge rule break. I spend my free time to play this game project with my friends.
They all wait for me.I wish you will be consider my mistake. Please give one more last chance. I promise you I will never do that again.