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Your ID
Players nickname
killy bluu
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Mar 20, 2025
Time of violation

Jessica Odds

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Nov 10, 2022

Player 375642 will recieve punishment for decieving administration in POV / Editing footage, Mixing

(When providing footage in future we require full POV of the situation, un-edited. In this footage I can clearly see you have edited sections out. With the backup POV provided on this thread I can see you cut out that footage to make yourself appear innocent.)

Player 156205 will recieve punishment for GZ 1.1, MK, FailRP

(This is a complete failure of roleplay. You got angry by an interaction and instead of going about it the correct way... especially as a LEO. You choose to get out of your car committing GZ 1.1 twice, then mercy killing twice. I suggest you take you take your punishment time to re-establish yourself with the server rules so this dosn't happen again in future.)

Player 24218 will recieve punishment for FailRP

(As a LEO I can see your intention was to detain these people for their words which I don't see as an issue. The reason for the failRP would be due to the fact that your family member/Leo partner openly starts using unwarented lethal force against 2 civilians and instead of stopping him, you stand and observe the situation then step away)
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