I got 3 warnings which was a 7 day ban, these warnings insist of RDM, Shooting in DOC and whatever it was. I accepted the 7 day ban and just left the game. Yesterday I logged on to see how long I had left on that ban due to the fact I forgot the exact date I got banned. When I loaded up I see I got perma banned for illegal redux. This was running through DOC gates. I never ran through the DOC as I have no redux or anything like that and even if I did, the DOC gates inside can fall down sometimes for some people and not for other people. I think this should be fixed so other people (like me) don't get reported. I don't know why I got banned because I have never downloaded any Illegal redux. Apparently there is POV of me having redux and running through a fence which I do not believe because I have not seen the POV.